IStillImageW::LaunchApplicationForDevice method (sti.h)

The IStillImage::LaunchApplicationForDevice method starts a specified application for a specified still image device.


HRESULT LaunchApplicationForDevice(
  [in] LPWSTR      pwszDeviceName,
  [in] LPWSTR      pwszAppName,
  [in] LPSTINOTIFY pStiNotify


[in] pwszDeviceName

Caller-supplied pointer to a string representing an internal device name, obtained by calling IStillImage::GetSTILaunchInformation or IStillImage::GetDeviceList.

[in] pwszAppName

Caller-supplied pointer to a string representing the short name of an application that was registered by calling IStillImage::RegisterLaunchApplication.

[in] pStiNotify

Caller-supplied pointer to an STINOTIFY structure describing a device event. Typically, the event's GUID is obtained by calling IStiDevice::GetLastNotificationData.

Return value

If the operation succeeds, the method returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns one of the STIERR-prefixed error codes defined in stierr.h.


The IStillImage::LaunchApplicationForDevice method can only start applications that have registered themselves by calling IStillImage::RegisterLaunchApplication. The specified event must be one that the specified device supports. The method mimics the occurrence of a device event, and is useful for applications that intercept events from devices and reroute them. When a user starts the scanner, such an application might, for example, ask the user whether they want to store the scanned image, make a copy, or send a fax.

Before calling IStillImage::LaunchApplicationForDevice, clients of the IStillImage COM interface must call IStillImage::StiCreateInstance to obtain an IStillImage interface pointer.


hRes = pStiDevice->GetLastNotificationData(&pNotify);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hRes))
    DisplayOutput("->GetLastNotificationData returned %xh %u",

// Process or filter events here

// Send event on to app
hRes = pSti->LaunchApplicationForDevice(pStiInfoPtr->szDeviceInternalName,
if (!SUCCEEDED(hRes))
    DisplayOutput("->LaunchApplicationForDevice on %S returned %xh %u",


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header sti.h (include Sti.h)