The IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_GET_BUS_INFO I/O request queries the bus driver for certain bus information.

IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_GET_BUS_INFO is a kernel-mode I/O control request. This request targets the USB hub PDO. This request must be sent at an IRQL of PASSIVE_LEVEL.

Major code


Input buffer

Parameters.Others.Argument1 should be a pointer to a USB_BUS_NOTIFICATION structure.

Input buffer length

The size of a USB_BUS_NOTIFICATION structure.

Output buffer

Parameters.Others.Argument1 points to a USB_BUS_NOTIFICATION structure that has the TotalBandwidth, ConsumedBandwidth, and ControllerNameLength fields filled in.

Output buffer length

The size of a USB_BUS_NOTIFICATION structure.

Status block

The bus or port driver sets Irp->IoStatus.Status to STATUS_SUCCESS or the appropriate error status.


Requirement Value
Header usbioctl.h (include Usbioctl.h)

See also