PoFxRegisterDevice function (wdm.h)

The PoFxRegisterDevice routine registers a device with the power management framework (PoFx).


NTSTATUS PoFxRegisterDevice(
  [in]  PPO_FX_DEVICE  Device,
  [out] POHANDLE       *Handle


[in] Pdo

A pointer to a physical device object (PDO). This parameter points to a DEVICE_OBJECT structure that represents the physical device that is being registered. The caller is the power policy owner for the device, which is typically the device's function driver.

[in] Device

A pointer to a caller-allocated PO_FX_DEVICE structure that contains the registration information for the device. This structure contains pointers to a set of callback routines that are implemented by the device driver. PoFx calls these routines to communicate with the driver.

[out] Handle

A pointer to a location into which the routine writes a handle that represents the registration of the device with PoFx. The device driver passes this handle as an input parameter to the other PoFxXxx routines that it calls. The driver must first call PoFxRegisterDevice to register the device before the driver calls any other PoFxXxx routines to power-manage the device.

Return value

PoFxRegisterDevice returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the routine successfully registers the device. Possible error return values include the following status codes.

Return code Description
Pdo is NULL; or the PPO_FX_DEVICE structure has an invalid version number or a component count of zero; or the number of idle states specified for a component is zero; or the description of an idle state is invalid.
The device is not ready.
Insufficient resources are available to complete the registration.


A device driver typically calls this routine from the driver's IRP_MN_START_DEVICE request handler. The driver must not call this routine before the device receives an IRP_MN_START_DEVICE request. The device receives the first IRP_MN_START_DEVICE request when the device is being started for the first time. The device receives an additional IRP_MN_START_DEVICE request each time the device is restarted after being stopped for resource balancing. A PoFxRegisterDevice call to register a device that is already registered is a fatal error and causes a bug check. Note that PoFx performs a deep-copy of the device structures into its memory.

Before the driver calls PoFxRegisterDevice, the device must meet the following conditions:

  • The device (that is, the PDO) is not already registered with PoFx.
  • The device is in the D0 (fully on) power state.
  • The device is in the running condition.
  • Every component in the device is in the F0 (fully on) power state.
  • Every component is in the active condition.
By registering the device with PoFx, the driver assumes the responsibility for informing PoFx when a component is actively being used and when the component is idle. While the device is registered, the driver must call the PoFxActivateComponent routine to gain access to a component's hardware registers, and the driver must call the PoFxIdleComponent routine to notify PoFx when the driver no longer requires access to the component.

After a driver calls PoFxRegisterDevice to register a device with PoFx, all components in the device are fully on and in the active condition so that the driver can finish initializing the hardware. To start active power management, the driver must call the PoFxStartDevicePowerManagement routine.

By default, PoFxStartDevicePowerManagement switches all components to the idle condition. If the driver requires a component to be in the active condition immediately after power management starts, the driver must explicitly activate the component by calling the PoFxActivateComponent routine, and this call must occur after the PoFxRegisterDevice call but before the PoFxStartDevicePowerManagement call.

Typically, the Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) driver for a single-component device does not call PoFxRegisterDevice to register the device with PoFx. Instead, this driver receives a PoFx registration handle when KMDF calls the driver's EvtDeviceWdmPostPoFxRegisterDevice callback function. For more information, see Supporting Multiple Functional Power States for Single-Component Devices.

For information about how the KMDF driver for a multiple-component device registers with PoFx, see Supporting Multiple Functional Power States for Multiple-Component Devices.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available starting with Windows 8.
Target Platform Universal
Header wdm.h
Library Ntoskrnl.lib
DLL Ntoskrnl.exe

See also






