IWDTFSimpleIOEx2 interface (wdtfinterfaces.h)

Defines operations for a simple synchronous I/O functionality test.


The IWDTFSimpleIOEx2 interface inherits from IWDTFAction2. IWDTFSimpleIOEx2 also has these types of members:


The IWDTFSimpleIOEx2 interface has these methods.


Closes the device.

Opens the device.

Performs a small amount of simple I/O to the device.


The IWDTFSimpleIOEx2 action interface acts on an instance of the IWDTFTarget2 interface that is retrieved by querying the device depot. You can retrieve a target-specific implementation of an action interface by calling the IWDTFTarget2::GetInterface method with the desired WDTF ProgID.

For an asynchronous interface for this same underlying functionality, see IWDTFSimpleIOStressAction2.

The IWDTFSimpleIOEx2 action interface is compatible with the following device classes:

  • CD-ROM drives (class =CDROM)
  • Display adapters (class = Display)
  • Multimedia devices (class = Media)
  • Network adapters (class = Net)
  • Storage volumes (class = Volume)
For more information about device classes, see Device Setup Classes.

To learn more about the specifics of how the IWDTFSimpleIOEx2 action interface works, or to support additional device classes, try to implement a target-specific version of it for your device class. For more information about how to implement such a version, see Windows Device Testing Framework Design Guide.

Note  The implementations of this interface are not thread-safe.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Professional
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header wdtfinterfaces.h