DOT11_OFDM_PHY_ATTRIBUTES structure (windot11.h)


WiFiCx is the new Wi-Fi driver model released in Windows 11. We recommend that you use WiFiCx to take advantage of the latest features. The WDI driver model is now in maintenance mode and will only receive high priority fixes.

The DOT11_OFDM_PHY_ATTRIBUTES structure defines the attributes specific to an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) PHY type.


typedef struct DOT11_OFDM_PHY_ATTRIBUTES {
  ULONG uFrequencyBandsSupported;



The frequency bands in which the PHY is capable of operating. Frequency bands are defined for:

  • Unlicensed national information infrastructure (U-NII) bands.
  • Conference of European Post and Telecommunication (CEPT) bands.
  • Japan 5 GHz bands.
The frequency bands supported by the PHY are defined through the following bitmask:
Bit Description
0 Can operate in the lower (5.15-5.25 GHz) U-NII band.
1 Can operate in the middle (5.25-5.35 GHz) U-NII band.
2 Can operate in the upper (5.725-5.825 GHz) U-NII band.
3 Can operate in CEPT B (5.47-5.7253 GHz) band.
4 Can operate in the lower Japan (5.15-5 5.25 GHz) band.
5 Can operate in the Japan 5.0 (5.03-8 5.091 GHz) band.
6 Can operate in the Japan 4.9 (4.9-5.0GHz) band.


The miniport driver defines the attributes of a PHY on the 802.11 station through the DOT11_PHY_ATTRIBUTES structure, and formats the OFDMAttributes member as a DOT11_OFDM_PHY_ATTRIBUTES structure. The miniport driver must only do this if the PHY defined by the DOT11_PHY_ATTRIBUTES structure is an OFDM PHY type.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows Vista and later versions of the Windows operating systems.
Header windot11.h (include Ndis.h)

See also