IWDFIoQueue::GetState method (wudfddi.h)

[Warning: UMDF 2 is the latest version of UMDF and supersedes UMDF 1. All new UMDF drivers should be written using UMDF 2. No new features are being added to UMDF 1 and there is limited support for UMDF 1 on newer versions of Windows 10. Universal Windows drivers must use UMDF 2. For more info, see Getting Started with UMDF.]

The GetState method retrieves the state of an I/O queue.


  [out] ULONG *pulNumOfRequestsInQueue,
  [out] ULONG *pulNumOfRequestsInDriver


[out] pulNumOfRequestsInQueue

A pointer to a variable that receives the number of I/O requests that are currently in the I/O queue (that is, that have not been delivered to the driver).

[out] pulNumOfRequestsInDriver

A pointer to a variable that receives the number of I/O requests that the driver accepted from the I/O queue but that the driver has not completed, canceled, or forwarded to another I/O queue.

Return value

GetState returns a bitwise OR of WDF_IO_QUEUE_STATE-typed values that provides the state of the queue.


The total number of requests that are associated with the I/O queue is the sum of the values that the pulNumOfRequestsInQueue and pulNumOfRequestsInDriver parameters point to.


Requirement Value
End of support Unavailable in UMDF 2.0 and later.
Target Platform Desktop
Minimum UMDF version 1.5
Header wudfddi.h (include Wudfddi.h)

See also