WWAN_SET_REGISTER_STATE structure (wwan.h)

The WWAN_SET_REGISTER_STATE structure represents the command to set the MB device's registration mode and the network provider it should register with.


typedef struct _WWAN_SET_REGISTER_STATE {
  WCHAR                ProviderId[WWAN_PROVIDERID_LEN];
  ULONG                WwanDataClass;



A NULL-terminated numeric (0-9) string that represents the network provider identity.

For GSM-based networks, this string is a concatenation of a three-digit Mobile Country Code (MCC) and a two or three-digit Mobile Network Code (MNC). GSM-based carriers may have more than one MNC, and hence more than one ProviderId .

For CDMA-based networks, this string is a five-digit System ID (SID). Generally, a CDMA-based carrier has more than one SID. Typically, the carrier has one SID for each market, which is usually divided geographically within a nation by regulations, such as Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) in the United States of America. Miniport drivers of CDMA-based devices must specify WWAN_CDMA_DEFAULT_PROVIDER_ID if this information is not available.


The registration action that the miniport driver is requested to perform. If this member is set to
WwanRegisterActionAutomatic, the ProviderId member should be ignored.


A bitmap that represents the data access technologies that are preferred for a connection. For a detailed list of values, see the WwanDataClass member of WWAN_DEVICE_CAPS.

When multiple data-classes are set as preferred, miniport drivers are expected register to the highest available data-class technology that is currently visible. Miniport drivers should attempt to register the best available data-class as requested. If the device cannot register the data-class specified in this member, it should register the best available data-class.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows.
Header wwan.h (include Wwan.h)

See also