Relationship of Mode Information to Path Information

The connecting and configuring displays (CCD) QueryDisplayConfig function always returns path information and source and target mode information for a particular display configuration. The following figure shows an example of how the source and target mode information relates to the path information when the DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_SUPPORT_VIRTUAL_MODE isn't set; that is, when the path isn't virtual-aware. In this example, the QDC_ALL_PATHS flag was passed to the Flags parameter in the call to QueryDisplayConfig.

Diagram illustrating the relationship between mode information and path information in a display configuration that doesn't support virtual modes.

Starting in Windows 10, the DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO, DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_SOURCE_INFO, and DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO structures are updated to support paths that are virtual-aware:

  • The DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_SUPPORT_VIRTUAL_MODE flag was added as a flags value. When this flag is set, it indicates that the path supports virtual modes.

  • A union was added to DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_SOURCE_INFO. The modeInfoIdx member is used only when the added flag isn't set. When the flag is set, mode information is in the cloneGroupId and sourceModeInfoIdx members.

  • A union was added to DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_TARGET_INFO. The modeInfoIdx member is used only when the added flag isn't set. When the flag is set, mode information is in the desktopModeInfoIdx and targetModeInfoIdx members.