Co-installer Interface
Features described in this section are not supported and driver packages containing them will no longer receive a Microsoft signature. See Using a Universal INF File.
A co-installer's interface consists of an exported entry point function and an associated data structure.
Co-installer Entry Point
A co-installer must export an entry point function that has the following prototype:
typedef DWORD
IN DI_FUNCTION InstallFunction,
IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet,
Specifies the device installation request being processed, in which the co-installer has the option of participating. These requests are specified using DIF codes, such as DIF_INSTALLDEVICE. For more information, see Device Installation Function Codes.
Supplies a handle to a device information set.
Optionally identifies a device that is the target of the device installation request. If this parameter is non-NULL, it identifies a device information element in the device information set. DeviceInfoData is non-NULL when SetupDiCallClassInstaller calls a device-specific co-installer. A class-specific co-installer can be called with a DIF request that has a NULLDeviceInfoData, such as DIF_DETECT or DIF_FIRSTTIMESETUP.
Points to a COINSTALLER_CONTEXT_DATA structure.
A device co-installer returns one of the following values:
The co-installer performed the appropriate actions for the specified InstallFunction, or the co-installer determined that it didn't need to perform any actions for the request.
The co-installer must also return NO_ERROR if it receives an unrecognized DIF code. (Note that class installers return ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT for unrecognized DIF codes.)
The co-installer performed any appropriate actions for the specified InstallFunction and is requesting to be called again after the Class Installer has processed the request.
A Win32 error
The co-installer encountered an error.
A co-installer does not set a return status of ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT. This status can be used only by a Class Installer. If a co-installer returns this status, SetupDiCallClassInstaller will not process the DIF_Xxx request properly. A co-installer might propagate a return status of ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT in its postprocessing pass, but it never sets this value.
COINSTALLER_CONTEXT_DATA is a co-installer-specific context structure that describes an installation request. The format of the structure is:
typedef struct
BOOLEAN PostProcessing;
DWORD InstallResult;
PVOID PrivateData;
The following list describes the members of this structure:
PostProcessing is TRUE when a co-installer is called after the appropriate class installer, if any, has processed the DIF code specified by InstallFunction. PostProcessing is read-only to the co-installer.
If PostProcessing is FALSE, InstallResult is not relevant. If PostProcessing is TRUE, InstallResult is the current status of the install request. This value is NO_ERROR or an error status returned by the previous component called for this install request. A co-installer can propagate the status by returning this value for its function return, or it can return another status. InstallResult is read-only to the co-installer.
PrivateData points to a co-installer-allocated buffer. If a co-installer sets this pointer and requests postprocessing, SetupDiCallClassInstaller passes the pointer to the co-installer when it calls the co-installer for postprocessing.