In Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, the DEVPROP_TYPE_INT64 identifier represents the base-data-type identifier that indicates that the data type is a FLOAT-typed IEEE floating-point number.


DEVPROP_TYPE_FLOAT can be combined only with the DEVPROP_TYPEMOD_ARRAY property-data-type modifier.

Setting a Property of this Type

To set a property whose base data type is DEVPROP_TYPE_FLOAT, call the corresponding SetupDiSetXxx property function, setting the function input parameters as follows:

  • Set the PropertyType parameter to DEVPROP_TYPE_FLOAT, set the PropertyBuffer parameter to a pointer to a buffer that can contain at least one FLOAT value, and set the PropertyBufferSize parameter to sizeof(FLOAT).

  • Set the other function input parameters as appropriate to set the property.



Devpropdef.h (include Devpropdef.h)