
This topic is part of the WiFiCx driver model. WiFiCx is the Wi-Fi driver model released in Windows 11. We recommend that you use WiFiCx to take advantage of the latest features. The previous Wi-Fi driver model WDI is in maintenance mode and will only receive high priority fixes.

WDI_TLV_ASSOCIATION_REQUEST_FRAME is a TLV that contains the association request that was used for the association.

TLV Type



The size (in bytes) of the array of UINT8 elements. The array must contain 1 or more elements.


Type Description
UINT8[] An array of UINT8 elements that specifies the association request that was used for the association. This does not include the 802.11 MAC header.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 11
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2022
Header dot11wificxtypes.hpp