NDKPI Completion Handling Requirements

NDK consumers and NDK providers must follow these requirements for NDKPI completion handling.

The Rules for NdkGetCqResults, NdkGetCqResultsEx, and NdkArmCq Functions

The consumer will always serialize its calls to these provider functions on the same completion queue (CQ) object (NDK_CQ):

This means not only that the consumer will never call the same provider function multiple times concurrently, but also that it will never call any combination of these functions concurrently on the same CQ from multiple threads.

An NdkOperationTypeReceiveAndInvalidate completion that occurs as a result of a remote NdkSendAndInvalidate (NDK_FN_SEND_AND_INVALIDATE) call must still be retrievable using NdkGetCqResults (not NdkGetCqResultsExn). Doing so must still invalidate the specified token on the receiver, but will not notify the receiving consumer of this invalidation (the consumer must use NdkGetCqResultsEx to get this information). A later NdkInvalidate (NDK_FN_INVALIDATE) for the same token will fail, as usual.

The Rules for Notification Callbacks

The provider must call the NdkCqNotificationCallback (NDK_FN_CQ_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK) callback only once, and only after the consumer has armed the NdkCqNotificationCallback callback by calling NdkArmCq. That is, the provider must clear the arm and call the NdkCqNotificationCallback callback when the conditions for calling the NdkCqNotificationCallback callback occur (in other words, when request completions are queued in the CQ).

If there are completions already present in the CQ when the consumer calls NdkArmCq, the provider will behave as follows:

  • If at least one of the completions was newly placed into the CQ since the last NdkCqNotificationCallback callback was called, the provider must satisfy the arm request immediately (see below for serialization requirements).
  • However, if all completions in the CQ were present also when the last NdkCqNotificationCallback callback was called (in other words, the consumer called NdkArmCq without removing all the completions and no new completions got placed into the CQ), then the provider may satisfy the arm request immediately.

When the provider needs to call the NdkCqNotificationCallback callback, if there's already a NdkCqNotificationCallback callback in progress, then the provider must defer the invocation of the NdkCqNotificationCallback callback until after the existing call to the NdkCqNotificationCallback callback returns control to the provider. In other words, the provider is responsible for serializing the NdkCqNotificationCallback callbacks.

The following table shows the resulting arm type if NdkArmCq is called a second time before a previous NdkArmCq request is satisfied:

2nd arm ANY 2nd arm ERRORS 2nd arm SOLICITED

1st arm ANY




1st arm ERRORS








Network Direct Kernel Provider Interface (NDKPI)