Standard features


We recommend that you use Microsoft's IPP inbox class driver, along with Print Support Apps (PSA), to customize the print experience in Windows 10 and 11 for printer device development.

For more information, see the Print support app design guide.

Standard features are printer features commonly provided by most printers. They are identified by predefined names that the GPD language recognizes. Resource identifiers for strings that represent these names are contained in stdnames.gpd, which is supplied with the Microsoft Windows Driver Kit (WDK). Some standard features are required and must be specified for every printer. Others are optional.

The following table lists all of the standard features, in alphabetical order, and indicates whether each feature accepts standard options or customized options. The features that include a Print Schema keyword are GPD features that are automatically mapped to Print Schema keywords. You can also map GPD features to Print Schema keywords manually by using the PrintSchemaKeywordMap attribute.

Feature name Default Print Schema feature keyword Description Standard options Comments
Collate DocumentCollate Page collation See Standard options. Customized options are not allowed. Optional. If not specified, Unidrv does not support page collation.
ColorMode PageOutputColor Color printing modes None. All options are customized. See Option attributes for the ColorMode feature. Optional. If not specified, Unidrv renders images in single-plane, 1-bit-per-pixel format.
Duplex JobDuplexAllDocumentsContiguously Two-sided printing See Standard options. Customized options are not allowed. Optional. If not specified, Unidrv performs only single-sided printing.
Halftone No default keyword. Use the PrintSchemaKeywordMap attribute to assign a Print Schema feature keyword. Halftoning capabilities See Standard options. Customized options are allowed. See Option attributes for the Halftone feature. Optional. If not specified, Unidrv selects a GDI-supported halftoning method. See Halftoning with Unidrv.
InputBin JobInputBin Types of input bins See Standard options. Customized options are allowed. See Option attributes for the InputBin feature. Required. Customized input bin names must be 24 characters or less.
MediaType PageMediaType Types of printing media See Standard options. Customized options are allowed. Optional. If not specified, the printer's default medium is always used.
Memory No default keyword. Use the PrintSchemaKeywordMap attribute to assign Print Schema feature keyword. Printer memory configurations All options are customized. See Option attributes for the Memory feature. Optional. If specified, Unidrv attempts to keep track of memory usage. The default FeatureType value is PRINTER_PROPERTY.
Orientation PageOrientation Paper orientations See Standard options. Customized options are not allowed. Optional. If not specified, the default orientation is PORTRAIT. For Windows 7, the MxdcGetPDEVAdjustment function has new parameters for landscape rotation. For more information, see MxdcXDCGetPDEVAdjustment.
OutputBin JobOutputBin Types of output bins None. All options are customized. See Option attributes for the OutputBin feature. Optional. If not specified, Unidrv does not attempt to select an output bin.
PageProtect JobPageProtection Enables protection of current print page See Standard options. Customized options are not allowed. Optional. If not specified, the default value is OFF. Unidrv only enables page protection if enough printer memory is available. The default FeatureType value is PRINTER_PROPERTY. See PageProtectMem.
PaperSize PageMediaSize Paper sizes See Standard options. Customized options are allowed. Also see Option attributes for the PaperSize feature. Required. At least one option must be specified. The CUSTOMSIZE option allows printer users to specify a paper size.
RESDLL This feature cannot be mapped to a Print Schema keyword. Resource DLLs All options are customized. See Using resource DLLs in a minidriver. Optional. See ResourceDLL.
Resolution PageResolution Printing resolutions All options are customized. See Option attributes for the Resolution feature. Required. At least one option must be specified.
Stapling JobStapleAllDocuments Stapling capabilities All options are customized. Optional. If specified, Directory Services indicates the printer supports stapling.
N-Up NUp Number of pages to print on each sheet No standard options. All options are customized. Optional.
Passcode JobPasscode Job passcode See Driver support for protected printing. Customized options are not allowed. Optional. If not specified, the default value is OFF.

V4 printer driver localization