Connect using Windows Device Portal

From Windows Device Portal, you can add and test apps, see running processes, check logs, and more.

You can access Device Portal by typing the device's IP address into a web browser either from a remote PC, or on the device itself.

WDP topology showing you can connect via web browser from the local pc or a remote pc

Turn on Device Portal

On Factory OS devices, you don't need to take any additional steps to be able to access Device Portal.

Find the IP of a Factory OS device

  • Default configuration: When you build a Factory OS image with the default configuration (with the <SHELL_BOOT> feature), the default shell app shows an IP address on the screen.

  • Console boot enabled: For Factory OS that has been configured with the <CONSOLE_BOOT> feature, you can run ipconfig from the console to get the IP address.

Connect to your device

From a technician PC

  1. Open a browser on your technician PC
  2. Enter your device's IP into the browser's address bar

Directly from within Factory OS without launching a browser

  • Use the Windows Key + D key combination to launch Device Portal from inside of Factory OS. Note that if you've configured the WinDHotkeyURI setting to open a custom URI, this won't work.
  • Click on the Windows Device Portal button in the Factory Orchestrator navigation bar. This will open Device Portal within the Factory Orchestrator app.