Enables the client to specify how multiple event trace log (ETL) files should be merged, using XML. It provides functions that load properties, in XML format, either from a file or from a string.
[id(1), helpstring("LoadFromFile")] HRESULT LoadFromFile([in] BSTR bstrTraceMergeName, [in] BSTR bstrFileName);
[id(2), helpstring("LoadFromString")] HRESULT LoadFromString([in] BSTR bstrTraceMerge);
[id(3), helpstring("IsEqual")] HRESULT IsEqual([in] ITraceMergeProperties* pTraceMergeProperties);
The following table describes functions that this interface provides.
Function | Description |
Loads the properties from the specified file. |
Loads the properties from the specified string. |
Compares two ITraceMergeProperties objects. |