fsutil tiering
Enables management of storage tier functions, such as setting and disabling flags and listing of tiers.
fsutil tiering [clearflags] <volume> <flags>
fsutil tiering [queryflags] <volume>
fsutil tiering [regionlist] <volume>
fsutil tiering [setflags] <volume> <flags>
fsutil tiering [tierlist] <volume>
Parameter | Description |
clearflags | Disables the tiering behavior flags of a volume. |
<volume> |
Specifies the volume. |
/trnh | For volumes with tiered storage, causes Heat gathering to be disabled. Applies to NTFS and ReFS only. |
queryflags | Queries the tiering behavior flags of a volume. |
regionlist | Lists the tiered regions of a volume and their respective storage tiers. |
setflags | Enables the tiering behavior flags of a volume. |
tierlist | Lists the storage tiers associated with a volume. |
To query the flags on volume C, type:
fsutil tiering queryflags C:
To set the flags on volume C, type:
fsutil tiering setflags C: /trnh
To clear the flags on volume C, type:
fsutil tiering clearflags C: /trnh
To list the regions of volume C and their respective storage tiers, type:
fsutil tiering regionlist C:
To list the tiers of volume C, type:
fsutil tiering tierlist C: