MLOperatorKernelDescription struct

Description of a custom operator kernel used to register that schema.


Name Type Description
defaultAttributeCount uint32_t The number of provided default attribute values.
defaultAttributes const MLOperatorAttributeNameValue* The default values of attributes. These will be applied when the attributes are missing in a model containing the operator type.
domain const char* NULL-terminated UTF-8 string representing the name of the operator's domain.
executionOptions uint32_t Reserved for additional options. Must be 0.
executionType MLOperatorExecutionType Specifies whether a kernel uses the CPU or GPU for computation.
minimumOperatorSetVersion int32_t The minimum version of the operator sets for which this kernel is valid. The maximum version is inferred based on registrations of operator set schema for subsequent versions of the same domain.
name const char* NULL-terminated UTF-8 string representing the name of the operator.
options MLOperatorKernelOptions Options for the kernel which apply to all execution provider types.
typeConstraintCount uint32_t The number of type constraints provided.
typeConstraints const MLOperatorEdgeTypeConstraint* An array of type constraints. Each constraint restricts input and outputs associated with a type label string to one or more edge types.


Minimum supported client Windows 10, build 17763
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2019 with Desktop Experience
Header MLOperatorAuthor.h


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