Segoe MDL2 Assets icons
This article provides developer guidelines for using the Segoe MDL2 Assets icons and lists the font glyphs along with their unicode values and descriptive names.
Important APIs:
About Segoe MDL2 Assets
With the release of Windows 10, the Segoe MDL2 Assets
font replaced the Windows 8/8.1 Segoe UI Symbol
icon font.
With the release of Windows 11, the Segoe Fluent Icons
font replaced Segoe MDL2 Assets
as the recommended symbol icon font. Segoe UI Symbol
and Segoe MDL2 Assets
are still available, but we recommend updating your app to use the Segoe Fluent Icons font.
Most of the icons included in the Segoe MDL2 Assets
font are mapped to the Private Use Area of Unicode (PUA). The PUA allows font developers to assign private Unicode values to glyphs that don’t map to existing code points. This is useful when creating a symbol font, but it creates an interoperability problem. If the font is not available, the glyphs won’t show up. Use these glyphs only when you can explicitly specify the Segoe MDL2 Assets
font. If you are working with tiles, you can't use these glyphs because you can't specify the tile font and PUA glyphs are not available via font-fallback.
Unlike with Segoe UI Symbol
, the icons in the Segoe MDL2 Assets
font are not intended for use in-line with text. This means that some older "tricks" like the progressive disclosure arrows no longer apply. Likewise, since all of the new icons are sized and positioned the same, they do not have to be made with zero width; we have just made sure they work as a set. Ideally, you can overlay two icons that were designed as a set and they will fall into place. We may do this to allow colorization in the code. For example, U+EA3A and U+EA3B were created for the Start tile Badge status. Because these are already centered the circle fill can be colored for different states.
Layering and mirroring
All glyphs in Segoe MDL2 Assets
have the same fixed width with a consistent height and left origin point, so layering and colorization effects can be achieved by drawing glyphs directly on top of each other. This example show a black outline drawn on top of the zero-width red heart.
Many of the icons also have mirrored forms available for use in languages that use right-to-left text directionality such as Arabic, Dari, Persian, and Hebrew.
Using the icons
To use a glyph from the Segoe MDL2 Assets
font, then use a FontIcon.
<FontIcon FontFamily="Segoe MDL2 Assets" Glyph=""/>
How do I get this font?
- On Windows: There's nothing you need to do, the font comes with Windows.
- On a Mac, you need to download and install the font: Get the Segoe UI and MDL2 icon fonts
Icon list
Please keep in mind that the Segoe MDL2 Assets
font includes many more icons than we can show here. Many of the icons are intended for specialized purposes and are not typically used anywhere else.
Glyphs with prefixes ranging from E0- to E5- (e.g. E001, E5B1) are currently marked as legacy and we recommend that they not be used.
The following tables display all Segoe MDL2 Assets icons and their respective unicode values and descriptive names. Select a range from the following list to view glyphs according to the PUA range they belong to.
PUA E700-E900
The following table of glyphs displays unicode points prefixed from E7- to E9-.
Glyph | Unicode point | Description |
E700 | GlobalNavigationButton | |
E701 | Wifi | |
E702 | Bluetooth | |
E703 | Connect | |
E704 | InternetSharing | |
E705 | VPN | |
E706 | Brightness | |
E707 | MapPin | |
E708 | QuietHours | |
E709 | Airplane | |
E70A | Tablet | |
E70B | QuickNote | |
E70C | RememberedDevice | |
E70D | ChevronDown | |
E70E | ChevronUp | |
E70F | Edit | |
E710 | Add | |
E711 | Cancel | |
E712 | More | |
E713 | Setting | |
E714 | Video | |
E715 | ||
E716 | People | |
E717 | Phone | |
E718 | Pin | |
E719 | Shop | |
E71A | Stop | |
E71B | Link | |
E71C | Filter | |
E71D | AllApps | |
E71E | Zoom | |
E71F | ZoomOut | |
E720 | Microphone | |
E721 | Search | |
E722 | Camera | |
E723 | Attach | |
E724 | Send | |
E725 | SendFill | |
E726 | WalkSolid | |
E727 | InPrivate | |
E728 | FavoriteList | |
E729 | PageSolid | |
E72A | Forward | |
E72B | Back | |
E72C | Refresh | |
E72D | Share | |
E72E | Lock | |
E730 | ReportHacked | |
E731 | EMI | |
E734 | FavoriteStar | |
E735 | FavoriteStarFill | |
E736 | ReadingMode | |
E737 | Favicon | |
E738 | Remove | |
E739 | Checkbox | |
E73A | CheckboxComposite | |
E73B | CheckboxFill | |
E73C | CheckboxIndeterminate | |
E73D | CheckboxCompositeReversed | |
E73E | CheckMark | |
E73F | BackToWindow | |
E740 | FullScreen | |
E741 | ResizeTouchLarger | |
E742 | ResizeTouchSmaller | |
E743 | ResizeMouseSmall | |
E744 | ResizeMouseMedium | |
E745 | ResizeMouseWide | |
E746 | ResizeMouseTall | |
E747 | ResizeMouseLarge | |
E748 | SwitchUser | |
E749 | ||
E74A | Up | |
E74B | Down | |
E74C | OEM | |
E74D | Delete | |
E74E | Save | |
E74F | Mute | |
E750 | BackSpaceQWERTY | |
E751 | ReturnKey | |
E752 | UpArrowShiftKey | |
E753 | Cloud | |
E754 | Flashlight | |
E755 | RotationLock | |
E756 | CommandPrompt | |
E759 | SIPMove | |
E75A | SIPUndock | |
E75B | SIPRedock | |
E75C | EraseTool | |
E75D | UnderscoreSpace | |
E75E | GripperTool | |
E75F | Dialpad | |
E760 | PageLeft | |
E761 | PageRight | |
E762 | MultiSelect | |
E763 | KeyboardLeftHanded | |
E764 | KeyboardRightHanded | |
E765 | KeyboardClassic | |
E766 | KeyboardSplit | |
E767 | Volume | |
E768 | Play | |
E769 | Pause | |
E76B | ChevronLeft | |
E76C | ChevronRight | |
E76D | InkingTool | |
E76E | Emoji2 | |
E76F | GripperBarHorizontal | |
E770 | System | |
E771 | Personalize | |
E772 | Devices | |
E773 | SearchAndApps | |
E774 | Globe | |
E775 | TimeLanguage | |
E776 | EaseOfAccess | |
E777 | UpdateRestore | |
E778 | HangUp | |
E779 | ContactInfo | |
E77A | Unpin | |
E77B | Contact | |
E77C | Memo | |
E77E | IncomingCall | |
E77F | Paste | |
E780 | PhoneBook | |
E781 | LEDLight | |
E783 | Error | |
E784 | GripperBarVertical | |
E785 | Unlock | |
E786 | Slideshow | |
E787 | Calendar | |
E788 | GripperResize | |
E789 | Megaphone | |
E78A | Trim | |
E78B | NewWindow | |
E78C | SaveLocal | |
E790 | Color | |
E791 | DataSense | |
E792 | SaveAs | |
E793 | Light | |
E799 | AspectRatio | |
E7A5 | DataSenseBar | |
E7A6 | Redo | |
E7A7 | Undo | |
E7A8 | Crop | |
E7AC | OpenWith | |
E7AD | Rotate | |
E7B3 | RedEye | |
E7B5 | SetlockScreen | |
E7B7 | MapPin2 | |
E7B8 | Package | |
E7BA | Warning | |
E7BC | ReadingList | |
E7BE | Education | |
E7BF | ShoppingCart | |
E7C0 | Train | |
E7C1 | Flag | |
E7C3 | Page | |
E7C4 | TaskView | |
E7C5 | BrowsePhotos | |
E7C6 | HalfStarLeft | |
E7C7 | HalfStarRight | |
E7C8 | Record | |
E7C9 | TouchPointer | |
E7DE | LangJPN | |
E7E3 | Ferry | |
E7E6 | Highlight | |
E7E7 | ActionCenterNotification | |
E7E8 | PowerButton | |
E7EA | ResizeTouchNarrower | |
E7EB | ResizeTouchShorter | |
E7EC | DrivingMode | |
E7ED | RingerSilent | |
E7EE | OtherUser | |
E7EF | Admin | |
E7F0 | CC | |
E7F1 | SDCard | |
E7F2 | CallForwarding | |
E7F3 | SettingsDisplaySound | |
E7F4 | TVMonitor | |
E7F5 | Speakers | |
E7F6 | Headphone | |
E7F7 | DeviceLaptopPic | |
E7F8 | DeviceLaptopNoPic | |
E7F9 | DeviceMonitorRightPic | |
E7FA | DeviceMonitorLeftPic | |
E7FB | DeviceMonitorNoPic | |
E7FC | Game | |
E7FD | HorizontalTabKey | |
E802 | StreetsideSplitMinimize | |
E803 | StreetsideSplitExpand | |
E804 | Car | |
E805 | Walk | |
E806 | Bus | |
E809 | TiltUp | |
E80A | TiltDown | |
E80B | CallControl | |
E80C | RotateMapRight | |
E80D | RotateMapLeft | |
E80F | Home | |
E811 | ParkingLocation | |
E812 | MapCompassTop | |
E813 | MapCompassBottom | |
E814 | IncidentTriangle | |
E815 | Touch | |
E816 | MapDirections | |
E819 | StartPoint | |
E81A | StopPoint | |
E81B | EndPoint | |
E81C | History | |
E81D | Location | |
E81E | MapLayers | |
E81F | Accident | |
E821 | Work | |
E822 | Construction | |
E823 | Recent | |
E825 | Bank | |
E826 | DownloadMap | |
E829 | InkingToolFill2 | |
E82A | HighlightFill2 | |
E82B | EraseToolFill | |
E82C | EraseToolFill2 | |
E82D | Dictionary | |
E82E | DictionaryAdd | |
E82F | ToolTip | |
E830 | ChromeBack | |
E835 | ProvisioningPackage | |
E836 | AddRemoteDevice | |
E838 | FolderOpen | |
E839 | Ethernet | |
E83A | ShareBroadband | |
E83B | DirectAccess | |
E83C | DialUp | |
E83D | DefenderApp | |
E83E | BatteryCharging9 | |
E83F | Battery10 | |
E840 | Pinned | |
E841 | PinFill | |
E842 | PinnedFill | |
E843 | PeriodKey | |
E844 | PuncKey | |
E845 | RevToggleKey | |
E846 | RightArrowKeyTime1 | |
E847 | RightArrowKeyTime2 | |
E848 | LeftQuote | |
E849 | RightQuote | |
E84A | DownShiftKey | |
E84B | UpShiftKey | |
E84C | PuncKey0 | |
E84D | PuncKeyLeftBottom | |
E84E | RightArrowKeyTime3 | |
E84F | RightArrowKeyTime4 | |
E850 | Battery0 | |
E851 | Battery1 | |
E852 | Battery2 | |
E853 | Battery3 | |
E854 | Battery4 | |
E855 | Battery5 | |
E856 | Battery6 | |
E857 | Battery7 | |
E858 | Battery8 | |
E859 | Battery9 | |
E85A | BatteryCharging0 | |
E85B | BatteryCharging1 | |
E85C | BatteryCharging2 | |
E85D | BatteryCharging3 | |
E85E | BatteryCharging4 | |
E85F | BatteryCharging5 | |
E860 | BatteryCharging6 | |
E861 | BatteryCharging7 | |
E862 | BatteryCharging8 | |
E863 | BatterySaver0 | |
E864 | BatterySaver1 | |
E865 | BatterySaver2 | |
E866 | BatterySaver3 | |
E867 | BatterySaver4 | |
E868 | BatterySaver5 | |
E869 | BatterySaver6 | |
E86A | BatterySaver7 | |
E86B | BatterySaver8 | |
E86C | SignalBars1 | |
E86D | SignalBars2 | |
E86E | SignalBars3 | |
E86F | SignalBars4 | |
E870 | SignalBars5 | |
E871 | SignalNotConnected | |
E872 | Wifi1 | |
E873 | Wifi2 | |
E874 | Wifi3 | |
E875 | MobSIMLock | |
E876 | MobSIMMissing | |
E877 | Vibrate | |
E878 | RoamingInternational | |
E879 | RoamingDomestic | |
E87A | CallForwardInternational | |
E87B | CallForwardRoaming | |
E87C | JpnRomanji | |
E87D | JpnRomanjiLock | |
E87E | JpnRomanjiShift | |
E87F | JpnRomanjiShiftLock | |
E880 | StatusDataTransfer | |
E881 | StatusDataTransferVPN | |
E882 | StatusDualSIM2 | |
E883 | StatusDualSIM2VPN | |
E884 | StatusDualSIM1 | |
E885 | StatusDualSIM1VPN | |
E886 | StatusSGLTE | |
E887 | StatusSGLTECell | |
E888 | StatusSGLTEDataVPN | |
E889 | StatusVPN | |
E88A | WifiHotspot | |
E88B | LanguageKor | |
E88C | LanguageCht | |
E88D | LanguageChs | |
E88E | USB | |
E88F | InkingToolFill | |
E890 | View | |
E891 | HighlightFill | |
E892 | Previous | |
E893 | Next | |
E894 | Clear | |
E895 | Sync | |
E896 | Download | |
E897 | Help | |
E898 | Upload | |
E899 | Emoji | |
E89A | TwoPage | |
E89B | LeaveChat | |
E89C | MailForward | |
E89E | RotateCamera | |
E89F | ClosePane | |
E8A0 | OpenPane | |
E8A1 | PreviewLink | |
E8A2 | AttachCamera | |
E8A3 | ZoomIn | |
E8A4 | Bookmarks | |
E8A5 | Document | |
E8A6 | ProtectedDocument | |
E8A7 | OpenInNewWindow | |
E8A8 | MailFill | |
E8A9 | ViewAll | |
E8AA | VideoChat | |
E8AB | Switch | |
E8AC | Rename | |
E8AD | Go | |
E8AE | SurfaceHub | |
E8AF | Remote | |
E8B0 | Click | |
E8B1 | Shuffle | |
E8B2 | Movies | |
E8B3 | SelectAll | |
E8B4 | Orientation | |
E8B5 | Import | |
E8B6 | ImportAll | |
E8B7 | Folder | |
E8B8 | Webcam | |
E8B9 | Picture | |
E8BA | Caption | |
E8BB | ChromeClose | |
E8BC | ShowResults | |
E8BD | Message | |
E8BE | Leaf | |
E8BF | CalendarDay | |
E8C0 | CalendarWeek | |
E8C1 | Characters | |
E8C2 | MailReplyAll | |
E8C3 | Read | |
E8C4 | ShowBcc | |
E8C5 | HideBcc | |
E8C6 | Cut | |
E8C7 | PaymentCard | |
E8C8 | Copy | |
E8C9 | Important | |
E8CA | MailReply | |
E8CB | Sort | |
E8CC | MobileTablet | |
E8CD | DisconnectDrive | |
E8CE | MapDrive | |
E8CF | ContactPresence | |
E8D0 | Priority | |
E8D1 | GotoToday | |
E8D2 | Font | |
E8D3 | FontColor | |
E8D4 | Contact2 | |
E8D5 | FolderFill | |
E8D6 | Audio | |
E8D7 | Permissions | |
E8D8 | DisableUpdates | |
E8D9 | Unfavorite | |
E8DA | OpenLocal | |
E8DB | Italic | |
E8DC | Underline | |
E8DD | Bold | |
E8DE | MoveToFolder | |
E8DF | LikeDislike | |
E8E0 | Dislike | |
E8E1 | Like | |
E8E2 | AlignRight | |
E8E3 | AlignCenter | |
E8E4 | AlignLeft | |
E8E5 | OpenFile | |
E8E6 | ClearSelection | |
E8E7 | FontDecrease | |
E8E8 | FontIncrease | |
E8E9 | FontSize | |
E8EA | CellPhone | |
E8EB | Reshare | |
E8EC | Tag | |
E8ED | RepeatOne | |
E8EE | RepeatAll | |
E8EF | Calculator | |
E8F0 | Directions | |
E8F1 | Library | |
E8F2 | ChatBubbles | |
E8F3 | PostUpdate | |
E8F4 | NewFolder | |
E8F5 | CalendarReply | |
E8F6 | UnsyncFolder | |
E8F7 | SyncFolder | |
E8F8 | BlockContact | |
E8F9 | SwitchApps | |
E8FA | AddFriend | |
E8FB | Accept | |
E8FC | GoToStart | |
E8FD | BulletedList | |
E8FE | Scan | |
E8FF | Preview | |
E902 | Group | |
E904 | ZeroBars | |
E905 | OneBar | |
E906 | TwoBars | |
E907 | ThreeBars | |
E908 | FourBars | |
E909 | World | |
E90A | Comment | |
E90B | MusicInfo | |
E90C | DockLeft | |
E90D | DockRight | |
E90E | DockBottom | |
E90F | Repair | |
E910 | Accounts | |
E911 | DullSound | |
E912 | Manage | |
E913 | Street | |
E914 | Printer3D | |
E915 | RadioBullet | |
E916 | Stopwatch | |
E91B | Photo | |
E91C | ActionCenter | |
E91F | FullCircleMask | |
E921 | ChromeMinimize | |
E922 | ChromeMaximize | |
E923 | ChromeRestore | |
E924 | Annotation | |
E925 | BackSpaceQWERTYSm | |
E926 | BackSpaceQWERTYMd | |
E927 | Swipe | |
E928 | Fingerprint | |
E929 | Handwriting | |
E92C | ChromeBackToWindow | |
E92D | ChromeFullScreen | |
E92E | KeyboardStandard | |
E92F | KeyboardDismiss | |
E930 | Completed | |
E931 | ChromeAnnotate | |
E932 | Label | |
E933 | IBeam | |
E934 | IBeamOutline | |
E935 | FlickDown | |
E936 | FlickUp | |
E937 | FlickLeft | |
E938 | FlickRight | |
E939 | FeedbackApp | |
E93C | MusicAlbum | |
E93E | Streaming | |
E943 | Code | |
E944 | ReturnToWindow | |
E945 | LightningBolt | |
E946 | Info | |
E947 | CalculatorMultiply | |
E948 | CalculatorAddition | |
E949 | CalculatorSubtract | |
E94A | CalculatorDivide | |
E94B | CalculatorSquareroot | |
E94C | CalculatorPercentage | |
E94D | CalculatorNegate | |
E94E | CalculatorEqualTo | |
E94F | CalculatorBackspace | |
E950 | Component | |
E951 | DMC | |
E952 | Dock | |
E953 | MultimediaDMS | |
E954 | MultimediaDVR | |
E955 | MultimediaPMP | |
E956 | PrintfaxPrinterFile | |
E957 | Sensor | |
E958 | StorageOptical | |
E95A | Communications | |
E95B | Headset | |
E95D | Projector | |
E95E | Health | |
E95F | Wire | |
E960 | Webcam2 | |
E961 | Input | |
E962 | Mouse | |
E963 | Smartcard | |
E964 | SmartcardVirtual | |
E965 | MediaStorageTower | |
E966 | ReturnKeySm | |
E967 | GameConsole | |
E968 | Network | |
E969 | StorageNetworkWireless | |
E96A | StorageTape | |
E96D | ChevronUpSmall | |
E96E | ChevronDownSmall | |
E96F | ChevronLeftSmall | |
E970 | ChevronRightSmall | |
E971 | ChevronUpMed | |
E972 | ChevronDownMed | |
E973 | ChevronLeftMed | |
E974 | ChevronRightMed | |
E975 | Devices2 | |
E976 | ExpandTile | |
E977 | PC1 | |
E978 | PresenceChicklet | |
E979 | PresenceChickletVideo | |
E97A | Reply | |
E97B | SetTile | |
E97C | Type | |
E97D | Korean | |
E97E | HalfAlpha | |
E97F | FullAlpha | |
E980 | Key12On | |
E981 | ChineseChangjie | |
E982 | QWERTYOn | |
E983 | QWERTYOff | |
E984 | ChineseQuick | |
E985 | Japanese | |
E986 | FullHiragana | |
E987 | FullKatakana | |
E988 | HalfKatakana | |
E989 | ChineseBoPoMoFo | |
E98A | ChinesePinyin | |
E98F | ConstructionCone | |
E990 | XboxOneConsole | |
E992 | Volume0 | |
E993 | Volume1 | |
E994 | Volume2 | |
E995 | Volume3 | |
E996 | BatteryUnknown | |
E998 | WifiAttentionOverlay | |
E99A | Robot | |
E9A1 | TapAndSend | |
E9A6 | FitPage | |
E9A8 | PasswordKeyShow | |
E9A9 | PasswordKeyHide | |
E9AA | BidiLtr | |
E9AB | BidiRtl | |
E9AC | ForwardSm | |
E9AD | CommaKey | |
E9AE | DashKey | |
E9AF | DullSoundKey | |
E9B0 | HalfDullSound | |
E9B1 | RightDoubleQuote | |
E9B2 | LeftDoubleQuote | |
E9B3 | PuncKeyRightBottom | |
E9B4 | PuncKey1 | |
E9B5 | PuncKey2 | |
E9B6 | PuncKey3 | |
E9B7 | PuncKey4 | |
E9B8 | PuncKey5 | |
E9B9 | PuncKey6 | |
E9BA | PuncKey9 | |
E9BB | PuncKey7 | |
E9BC | PuncKey8 | |
E9CA | Frigid | |
E9CE | Unknown | |
E9D2 | AreaChart | |
E9D5 | CheckList | |
E9D9 | Diagnostic | |
E9E9 | Equalizer | |
E9F3 | Process | |
E9F5 | Processing | |
E9F9 | ReportDocument |
The following table of glyphs displays unicode points prefixed from EA- to EC-.
Glyph | Unicode point | Description |
EA0C | VideoSolid | |
EA0D | MixedMediaBadge | |
EA14 | DisconnectDisplay | |
EA18 | Shield | |
EA1F | Info2 | |
EA21 | ActionCenterAsterisk | |
EA24 | Beta | |
EA35 | SaveCopy | |
EA37 | List | |
EA38 | Asterisk | |
EA39 | ErrorBadge | |
EA3A | CircleRing | |
EA3B | CircleFill | |
EA3C | MergeCall | |
EA3D | PrivateCall | |
EA3F | Record2 | |
EA40 | AllAppsMirrored | |
EA41 | BookmarksMirrored | |
EA42 | BulletedListMirrored | |
EA43 | CallForwardInternationalMirrored | |
EA44 | CallForwardRoamingMirrored | |
EA47 | ChromeBackMirrored | |
EA48 | ClearSelectionMirrored | |
EA49 | ClosePaneMirrored | |
EA4A | ContactInfoMirrored | |
EA4B | DockRightMirrored | |
EA4C | DockLeftMirrored | |
EA4E | ExpandTileMirrored | |
EA4F | GoMirrored | |
EA50 | GripperResizeMirrored | |
EA51 | HelpMirrored | |
EA52 | ImportMirrored | |
EA53 | ImportAllMirrored | |
EA54 | LeaveChatMirrored | |
EA55 | ListMirrored | |
EA56 | MailForwardMirrored | |
EA57 | MailReplyMirrored | |
EA58 | MailReplyAllMirrored | |
EA5B | OpenPaneMirrored | |
EA5C | OpenWithMirrored | |
EA5E | ParkingLocationMirrored | |
EA5F | ResizeMouseMediumMirrored | |
EA60 | ResizeMouseSmallMirrored | |
EA61 | ResizeMouseTallMirrored | |
EA62 | ResizeTouchNarrowerMirrored | |
EA63 | SendMirrored | |
EA64 | SendFillMirrored | |
EA65 | ShowResultsMirrored | |
EA69 | Media | |
EA6A | SyncError | |
EA6C | Devices3 | |
EA79 | SlowMotionOn | |
EA80 | Lightbulb | |
EA81 | StatusCircle | |
EA82 | StatusTriangle | |
EA83 | StatusError | |
EA84 | StatusWarning | |
EA86 | Puzzle | |
EA89 | CalendarSolid | |
EA8A | HomeSolid | |
EA8B | ParkingLocationSolid | |
EA8C | ContactSolid | |
EA8D | ConstructionSolid | |
EA8E | AccidentSolid | |
EA8F | Ringer | |
EA90 | ||
EA91 | ThoughtBubble | |
EA92 | HeartBroken | |
EA93 | BatteryCharging10 | |
EA94 | BatterySaver9 | |
EA95 | BatterySaver10 | |
EA97 | CallForwardingMirrored | |
EA98 | MultiSelectMirrored | |
EA99 | Broom | |
EAC2 | ForwardCall | |
EADF | Trackers | |
EAFC | Market | |
EB05 | PieSingle | |
EB0F | StockDown | |
EB11 | StockUp | |
EB3C | Design | |
EB41 | Website | |
EB42 | Drop | |
EB44 | Radar | |
EB47 | BusSolid | |
EB48 | FerrySolid | |
EB49 | StartPointSolid | |
EB4A | StopPointSolid | |
EB4B | EndPointSolid | |
EB4C | AirplaneSolid | |
EB4D | TrainSolid | |
EB4E | WorkSolid | |
EB4F | ReminderFill | |
EB50 | Reminder | |
EB51 | Heart | |
EB52 | HeartFill | |
EB55 | EthernetError | |
EB56 | EthernetWarning | |
EB57 | StatusConnecting1 | |
EB58 | StatusConnecting2 | |
EB59 | StatusUnsecure | |
EB5A | WifiError0 | |
EB5B | WifiError1 | |
EB5C | WifiError2 | |
EB5D | WifiError3 | |
EB5E | WifiError4 | |
EB5F | WifiWarning0 | |
EB60 | WifiWarning1 | |
EB61 | WifiWarning2 | |
EB62 | WifiWarning3 | |
EB63 | WifiWarning4 | |
EB66 | Devices4 | |
EB67 | NUIIris | |
EB68 | NUIFace | |
EB7E | EditMirrored | |
EB82 | NUIFPStartSlideHand | |
EB83 | NUIFPStartSlideAction | |
EB84 | NUIFPContinueSlideHand | |
EB85 | NUIFPContinueSlideAction | |
EB86 | NUIFPRollRightHand | |
EB87 | NUIFPRollRightHandAction | |
EB88 | NUIFPRollLeftHand | |
EB89 | NUIFPRollLeftAction | |
EB8A | NUIFPPressHand | |
EB8B | NUIFPPressAction | |
EB8C | NUIFPPressRepeatHand | |
EB8D | NUIFPPressRepeatAction | |
EB90 | StatusErrorFull | |
EB91 | TaskViewExpanded | |
EB95 | Certificate | |
EB96 | BackSpaceQWERTYLg | |
EB97 | ReturnKeyLg | |
EB9D | FastForward | |
EB9E | Rewind | |
EB9F | Photo2 | |
EBA0 | MobBattery0 | |
EBA1 | MobBattery1 | |
EBA2 | MobBattery2 | |
EBA3 | MobBattery3 | |
EBA4 | MobBattery4 | |
EBA5 | MobBattery5 | |
EBA6 | MobBattery6 | |
EBA7 | MobBattery7 | |
EBA8 | MobBattery8 | |
EBA9 | MobBattery9 | |
EBAA | MobBattery10 | |
EBAB | MobBatteryCharging0 | |
EBAC | MobBatteryCharging1 | |
EBAD | MobBatteryCharging2 | |
EBAE | MobBatteryCharging3 | |
EBAF | MobBatteryCharging4 | |
EBB0 | MobBatteryCharging5 | |
EBB1 | MobBatteryCharging6 | |
EBB2 | MobBatteryCharging7 | |
EBB3 | MobBatteryCharging8 | |
EBB4 | MobBatteryCharging9 | |
EBB5 | MobBatteryCharging10 | |
EBB6 | MobBatterySaver0 | |
EBB7 | MobBatterySaver1 | |
EBB8 | MobBatterySaver2 | |
EBB9 | MobBatterySaver3 | |
EBBA | MobBatterySaver4 | |
EBBB | MobBatterySaver5 | |
EBBC | MobBatterySaver6 | |
EBBD | MobBatterySaver7 | |
EBBE | MobBatterySaver8 | |
EBBF | MobBatterySaver9 | |
EBC0 | MobBatterySaver10 | |
EBC3 | DictionaryCloud | |
EBC4 | ResetDrive | |
EBC5 | VolumeBars | |
EBC6 | Project | |
EBD2 | AdjustHologram | |
EBD4 | WifiCallBars | |
EBD5 | WifiCall0 | |
EBD6 | WifiCall1 | |
EBD7 | WifiCall2 | |
EBD8 | WifiCall3 | |
EBD9 | WifiCall4 | |
EBDA | Family | |
EBDB | LockFeedback | |
EBDE | DeviceDiscovery | |
EBE6 | WindDirection | |
EBE7 | RightArrowKeyTime0 | |
EBE8 | Bug | |
EBFC | TabletMode | |
EBFD | StatusCircleLeft | |
EBFE | StatusTriangleLeft | |
EBFF | StatusErrorLeft | |
EC00 | StatusWarningLeft | |
EC02 | MobBatteryUnknown | |
EC05 | NetworkTower | |
EC06 | CityNext | |
EC07 | CityNext2 | |
EC08 | Courthouse | |
EC09 | Groceries | |
EC0A | Sustainable | |
EC0B | BuildingEnergy | |
EC11 | ToggleFilled | |
EC12 | ToggleBorder | |
EC13 | SliderThumb | |
EC14 | ToggleThumb | |
EC15 | MiracastLogoSmall | |
EC16 | MiracastLogoLarge | |
EC19 | PLAP | |
EC1B | Badge | |
EC1E | SignalRoaming | |
EC20 | MobileLocked | |
EC24 | InsiderHubApp | |
EC25 | PersonalFolder | |
EC26 | HomeGroup | |
EC27 | MyNetwork | |
EC31 | KeyboardFull | |
EC32 | Cafe | |
EC37 | MobSignal1 | |
EC38 | MobSignal2 | |
EC39 | MobSignal3 | |
EC3A | MobSignal4 | |
EC3B | MobSignal5 | |
EC3C | MobWifi1 | |
EC3D | MobWifi2 | |
EC3E | MobWifi3 | |
EC3F | MobWifi4 | |
EC40 | MobAirplane | |
EC41 | MobBluetooth | |
EC42 | MobActionCenter | |
EC43 | MobLocation | |
EC44 | MobWifiHotspot | |
EC45 | LanguageJpn | |
EC46 | MobQuietHours | |
EC47 | MobDrivingMode | |
EC48 | SpeedOff | |
EC49 | SpeedMedium | |
EC4A | SpeedHigh | |
EC4E | ThisPC | |
EC4F | MusicNote | |
EC50 | FileExplorer | |
EC51 | FileExplorerApp | |
EC52 | LeftArrowKeyTime0 | |
EC54 | MicOff | |
EC55 | MicSleep | |
EC56 | MicError | |
EC57 | PlaybackRate1x | |
EC58 | PlaybackRateOther | |
EC59 | CashDrawer | |
EC5A | BarcodeScanner | |
EC5B | ReceiptPrinter | |
EC5C | MagStripeReader | |
EC61 | CompletedSolid | |
EC64 | CompanionApp | |
EC6C | Favicon2 | |
EC6D | SwipeRevealArt | |
EC71 | MicOn | |
EC72 | MicClipping | |
EC74 | TabletSelected | |
EC75 | MobileSelected | |
EC76 | LaptopSelected | |
EC77 | TVMonitorSelected | |
EC7A | DeveloperTools | |
EC7E | MobCallForwarding | |
EC7F | MobCallForwardingMirrored | |
EC80 | BodyCam | |
EC81 | PoliceCar | |
EC87 | Draw | |
EC88 | DrawSolid | |
EC8A | LowerBrightness | |
EC8F | ScrollUpDown | |
EC92 | DateTime | |
ECA5 | Tiles | |
ECA7 | PartyLeader | |
ECAA | AppIconDefault | |
ECAD | Calories | |
ECB9 | BandBattery0 | |
ECBA | BandBattery1 | |
ECBB | BandBattery2 | |
ECBC | BandBattery3 | |
ECBD | BandBattery4 | |
ECBE | BandBattery5 | |
ECBF | BandBattery6 | |
ECC4 | AddSurfaceHub | |
ECC5 | DevUpdate | |
ECC6 | Unit | |
ECC8 | AddTo | |
ECC9 | RemoveFrom | |
ECCA | RadioBtnOff | |
ECCB | RadioBtnOn | |
ECCC | RadioBullet2 | |
ECCD | ExploreContent | |
ECE4 | Blocked2 | |
ECE7 | ScrollMode | |
ECE8 | ZoomMode | |
ECE9 | PanMode | |
ECF0 | WiredUSB | |
ECF1 | WirelessUSB | |
ECF3 | USBSafeConnect |
The following table of glyphs displays unicode points prefixed from ED- to EF-.
Glyph | Unicode point | Description |
ED0C | ActionCenterNotificationMirrored | |
ED0D | ActionCenterMirrored | |
ED0E | SubscriptionAdd | |
ED10 | ResetDevice | |
ED11 | SubscriptionAddMirrored | |
ED14 | QRCode | |
ED15 | Feedback | |
ED1E | Subtitles | |
ED1F | SubtitlesAudio | |
ED25 | OpenFolderHorizontal | |
ED28 | CalendarMirrored | |
ED2A | MobeSIM | |
ED2B | MobeSIMNoProfile | |
ED2C | MobeSIMLocked | |
ED2D | MobeSIMBusy | |
ED2E | SignalError | |
ED2F | StreamingEnterprise | |
ED30 | Headphone0 | |
ED31 | Headphone1 | |
ED32 | Headphone2 | |
ED33 | Headphone3 | |
ED35 | Apps | |
ED39 | KeyboardBrightness | |
ED3A | KeyboardLowerBrightness | |
ED3C | SkipBack10 | |
ED3D | SkipForward30 | |
ED41 | TreeFolderFolder | |
ED42 | TreeFolderFolderFill | |
ED43 | TreeFolderFolderOpen | |
ED44 | TreeFolderFolderOpenFill | |
ED47 | MultimediaDMP | |
ED4C | KeyboardOneHanded | |
ED4D | Narrator | |
ED53 | EmojiTabPeople | |
ED54 | EmojiTabSmilesAnimals | |
ED55 | EmojiTabCelebrationObjects | |
ED56 | EmojiTabFoodPlants | |
ED57 | EmojiTabTransitPlaces | |
ED58 | EmojiTabSymbols | |
ED59 | EmojiTabTextSmiles | |
ED5A | EmojiTabFavorites | |
ED5B | EmojiSwatch | |
ED5C | ConnectApp | |
ED5D | CompanionDeviceFramework | |
ED5E | Ruler | |
ED5F | FingerInking | |
ED60 | StrokeErase | |
ED61 | PointErase | |
ED62 | ClearAllInk | |
ED63 | Pencil | |
ED64 | Marker | |
ED65 | InkingCaret | |
ED66 | InkingColorOutline | |
ED67 | InkingColorFill | |
EDA2 | HardDrive | |
EDA3 | NetworkAdapter | |
EDA4 | Touchscreen | |
EDA5 | NetworkPrinter | |
EDA6 | CloudPrinter | |
EDA7 | KeyboardShortcut | |
EDA8 | BrushSize | |
EDA9 | NarratorForward | |
EDAA | NarratorForwardMirrored | |
EDAB | SyncBadge12 | |
EDAC | RingerBadge12 | |
EDAD | AsteriskBadge12 | |
EDAE | ErrorBadge12 | |
EDAF | CircleRingBadge12 | |
EDB0 | CircleFillBadge12 | |
EDB1 | ImportantBadge12 | |
EDB3 | MailBadge12 | |
EDB4 | PauseBadge12 | |
EDB5 | PlayBadge12 | |
EDC6 | PenWorkspace | |
EDD6 | CaretRight8 | |
EDD9 | CaretLeftSolid8 | |
EDDA | CaretRightSolid8 | |
EDDB | CaretUpSolid8 | |
EDDC | CaretDownSolid8 | |
EDE0 | Strikethrough | |
EDE1 | Export | |
EDE2 | ExportMirrored | |
EDE3 | ButtonMenu | |
EDE4 | CloudSearch | |
EDE5 | PinyinIMELogo | |
EDFB | CalligraphyPen | |
EE35 | ReplyMirrored | |
EE3F | LockscreenDesktop | |
EE40 | TaskViewSettings | |
EE47 | MiniExpand2Mirrored | |
EE49 | MiniContract2Mirrored | |
EE4A | Play36 | |
EE56 | PenPalette | |
EE57 | GuestUser | |
EE63 | SettingsBattery | |
EE64 | TaskbarPhone | |
EE65 | LockScreenGlance | |
EE6F | GenericScan | |
EE71 | ImageExport | |
EE77 | WifiEthernet | |
EE79 | ActionCenterQuiet | |
EE7A | ActionCenterQuietNotification | |
EE92 | TrackersMirrored | |
EE93 | DateTimeMirrored | |
EE94 | Wheel | |
EEA3 | VirtualMachineGroup | |
EECA | ButtonView2 | |
EF15 | PenWorkspaceMirrored | |
EF16 | PenPaletteMirrored | |
EF17 | StrokeEraseMirrored | |
EF18 | PointEraseMirrored | |
EF19 | ClearAllInkMirrored | |
EF1F | BackgroundToggle | |
EF20 | Marquee | |
EF2C | ChromeCloseContrast | |
EF2D | ChromeMinimizeContrast | |
EF2E | ChromeMaximizeContrast | |
EF2F | ChromeRestoreContrast | |
EF31 | TrafficLight | |
EF3B | Replay | |
EF3C | Eyedropper | |
EF3D | LineDisplay | |
EF3E | PINPad | |
EF3F | SignatureCapture | |
EF40 | ChipCardCreditCardReader | |
EF58 | PlayerSettings | |
EF6B | LandscapeOrientation | |
EF90 | Flow | |
EFA5 | Touchpad | |
EFA9 | Speech |
PUA F000-F200
The following table of glyphs displays unicode points prefixed from F0- to F2-.
Glyph | Unicode point | Description |
F000 | KnowledgeArticle | |
F003 | Relationship | |
F080 | DefaultAPN | |
F081 | UserAPN | |
F085 | DoublePinyin | |
F08C | BlueLight | |
F093 | ButtonA | |
F094 | ButtonB | |
F095 | ButtonY | |
F096 | ButtonX | |
F0AD | ArrowUp8 | |
F0AE | ArrowDown8 | |
F0AF | ArrowRight8 | |
F0B0 | ArrowLeft8 | |
F0B2 | QuarentinedItems | |
F0B3 | QuarentinedItemsMirrored | |
F0B4 | Protractor | |
F0B5 | ChecklistMirrored | |
F0B6 | StatusCircle7 | |
F0B7 | StatusCheckmark7 | |
F0B8 | StatusErrorCircle7 | |
F0B9 | Connected | |
F0C6 | PencilFill | |
F0C7 | CalligraphyFill | |
F0CA | QuarterStarLeft | |
F0CB | QuarterStarRight | |
F0CC | ThreeQuarterStarLeft | |
F0CD | ThreeQuarterStarRight | |
F0CE | QuietHoursBadge12 | |
F0D2 | BackMirrored | |
F0D3 | ForwardMirrored | |
F0D5 | ChromeBackContrast | |
F0D6 | ChromeBackContrastMirrored | |
F0D7 | ChromeBackToWindowContrast | |
F0D8 | ChromeFullScreenContrast | |
F0E2 | GridView | |
F0E3 | ClipboardList | |
F0E4 | ClipboardListMirrored | |
F0E5 | OutlineQuarterStarLeft | |
F0E6 | OutlineQuarterStarRight | |
F0E7 | OutlineHalfStarLeft | |
F0E8 | OutlineHalfStarRight | |
F0E9 | OutlineThreeQuarterStarLeft | |
F0EA | OutlineThreeQuarterStarRight | |
F0EB | SpatialVolume0 | |
F0EC | SpatialVolume1 | |
F0ED | SpatialVolume2 | |
F0EE | SpatialVolume3 | |
F0EF | ApplicationGuard | |
F0F7 | OutlineStarLeftHalf | |
F0F8 | OutlineStarRightHalf | |
F0F9 | ChromeAnnotateContrast | |
F0FB | DefenderBadge12 | |
F103 | DetachablePC | |
F108 | LeftStick | |
F109 | RightStick | |
F10A | TriggerLeft | |
F10B | TriggerRight | |
F10C | BumperLeft | |
F10D | BumperRight | |
F10E | Dpad | |
F110 | EnglishPunctuation | |
F111 | ChinesePunctuation | |
F119 | HMD | |
F11B | CtrlSpatialRight | |
F126 | PaginationDotOutline10 | |
F127 | PaginationDotSolid10 | |
F128 | StrokeErase2 | |
F129 | SmallErase | |
F12A | LargeErase | |
F12B | FolderHorizontal | |
F12E | MicrophoneListening | |
F12F | StatusExclamationCircle7 | |
F131 | Video360 | |
F133 | GiftboxOpen | |
F136 | StatusCircleOuter | |
F137 | StatusCircleInner | |
F138 | StatusCircleRing | |
F139 | StatusTriangleOuter | |
F13A | StatusTriangleInner | |
F13B | StatusTriangleExclamation | |
F13C | StatusCircleExclamation | |
F13D | StatusCircleErrorX | |
F13E | StatusCircleCheckmark | |
F13F | StatusCircleInfo | |
F140 | StatusCircleBlock | |
F141 | StatusCircleBlock2 | |
F142 | StatusCircleQuestionMark | |
F143 | StatusCircleSync | |
F146 | Dial1 | |
F147 | Dial2 | |
F148 | Dial3 | |
F149 | Dial4 | |
F14A | Dial5 | |
F14B | Dial6 | |
F14C | Dial7 | |
F14D | Dial8 | |
F14E | Dial9 | |
F14F | Dial10 | |
F150 | Dial11 | |
F151 | Dial12 | |
F152 | Dial13 | |
F153 | Dial14 | |
F154 | Dial15 | |
F155 | Dial16 | |
F156 | DialShape1 | |
F157 | DialShape2 | |
F158 | DialShape3 | |
F159 | DialShape4 | |
F161 | TollSolid | |
F163 | TrafficCongestionSolid | |
F164 | ExploreContentSingle | |
F165 | CollapseContent | |
F166 | CollapseContentSingle | |
F167 | InfoSolid | |
F168 | GroupList | |
F169 | CaretBottomRightSolidCenter8 | |
F16A | ProgressRingDots | |
F16B | Checkbox14 | |
F16C | CheckboxComposite14 | |
F16D | CheckboxIndeterminateCombo14 | |
F16E | CheckboxIndeterminateCombo | |
F175 | StatusPause7 | |
F17F | CharacterAppearance | |
F180 | Lexicon | |
F182 | ScreenTime | |
F191 | HeadlessDevice | |
F193 | NetworkSharing | |
F19D | EyeGaze | |
F19E | ToggleLeft | |
F19F | ToggleRight | |
F1AD | WindowsInsider | |
F1CB | ChromeSwitch | |
F1CC | ChromeSwitchContast | |
F1D8 | StatusCheckmark | |
F1D9 | StatusCheckmarkLeft | |
F20C | KeyboardLeftAligned | |
F20D | KeyboardRightAligned | |
F210 | KeyboardSettings | |
F211 | NetworkPhysical | |
F22C | IOT | |
F22E | UnknownMirrored | |
F246 | ViewDashboard | |
F259 | ExploitProtectionSettings | |
F260 | KeyboardNarrow | |
F261 | Keyboard12Key | |
F26B | KeyboardDock | |
F26C | KeyboardUndock | |
F26D | KeyboardLeftDock | |
F26E | KeyboardRightDock | |
F270 | Ear | |
F271 | PointerHand | |
F272 | Bullseye | |
F2B7 | LocaleLanguage |
PUA F300-F500
The following table of glyphs displays unicode points prefixed from F3- to F5-.
Glyph | Unicode point | Description |
F32A | PassiveAuthentication | |
F354 | ColorSolid | |
F384 | NetworkOffline | |
F385 | NetworkConnected | |
F386 | NetworkConnectedCheckmark | |
F3B1 | SignOut | |
F3CC | StatusInfo | |
F3CD | StatusInfoLeft | |
F3E2 | NearbySharing | |
F3E7 | CtrlSpatialLeft | |
F404 | InteractiveDashboard | |
F406 | ClippingTool | |
F407 | RectangularClipping | |
F408 | FreeFormClipping | |
F413 | CopyTo | |
F439 | DynamicLock | |
F45E | PenTips | |
F45F | PenTipsMirrored | |
F460 | HWPJoin | |
F461 | HWPInsert | |
F462 | HWPStrikeThrough | |
F463 | HWPScratchOut | |
F464 | HWPSplit | |
F465 | HWPNewLine | |
F466 | HWPOverwrite | |
F473 | MobWifiWarning1 | |
F474 | MobWifiWarning2 | |
F475 | MobWifiWarning3 | |
F476 | MobWifiWarning4 | |
F49A | Globe2 | |
F4A5 | SpecialEffectSize | |
F4A9 | GIF | |
F4AA | Sticker2 | |
F4BE | SurfaceHubSelected | |
F4BF | HoloLensSelected | |
F4C0 | Earbud | |
F4C3 | MixVolumes | |
F540 | Safe | |
F552 | LaptopSecure | |
F56D | PrintDefault | |
F56E | PageMirrored | |
F56F | LandscapeOrientationMirrored | |
F570 | ColorOff | |
F571 | PrintAllPages | |
F572 | PrintCustomRange | |
F573 | PageMarginPortraitNarrow | |
F574 | PageMarginPortraitNormal | |
F575 | PageMarginPortraitModerate | |
F576 | PageMarginPortraitWide | |
F577 | PageMarginLandscapeNarrow | |
F578 | PageMarginLandscapeNormal | |
F579 | PageMarginLandscapeModerate | |
F57A | PageMarginLandscapeWide | |
F57B | CollateLandscape | |
F57C | CollatePortrait | |
F57D | CollatePortraitSeparated | |
F57E | DuplexLandscapeOneSided | |
F57F | DuplexLandscapeOneSidedMirrored | |
F580 | DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedLongEdge | |
F581 | DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedLongEdgeMirrored | |
F582 | DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedShortEdge | |
F583 | DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedShortEdgeMirrored | |
F584 | DuplexPortraitOneSided | |
F585 | DuplexPortraitOneSidedMirrored | |
F586 | DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdge | |
F587 | DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdgeMirrored | |
F588 | DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdge | |
F589 | DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdgeMirrored | |
F58A | PPSOneLandscape | |
F58B | PPSTwoLandscape | |
F58C | PPSTwoPortrait | |
F58D | PPSFourLandscape | |
F58E | PPSFourPortrait | |
F58F | HolePunchOff | |
F590 | HolePunchPortraitLeft | |
F591 | HolePunchPortraitRight | |
F592 | HolePunchPortraitTop | |
F593 | HolePunchPortraitBottom | |
F594 | HolePunchLandscapeLeft | |
F595 | HolePunchLandscapeRight | |
F596 | HolePunchLandscapeTop | |
F597 | HolePunchLandscapeBottom | |
F598 | StaplingOff | |
F599 | StaplingPortraitTopLeft | |
F59A | StaplingPortraitTopRight | |
F59B | StaplingPortraitBottomRight | |
F59C | StaplingPortraitTwoLeft | |
F59D | StaplingPortraitTwoRight | |
F59E | StaplingPortraitTwoTop | |
F59F | StaplingPortraitTwoBottom | |
F5A0 | StaplingPortraitBookBinding | |
F5A1 | StaplingLandscapeTopLeft | |
F5A2 | StaplingLandscapeTopRight | |
F5A3 | StaplingLandscapeBottomLeft | |
F5A4 | StaplingLandscapeBottomRight | |
F5A5 | StaplingLandscapeTwoLeft | |
F5A6 | StaplingLandscapeTwoRight | |
F5A7 | StaplingLandscapeTwoTop | |
F5A8 | StaplingLandscapeTwoBottom | |
F5A9 | StaplingLandscapeBookBinding | |
F5AA | StatusDataTransferRoaming | |
F5AB | MobSIMError | |
F5AC | CollateLandscapeSeparated | |
F5AD | PPSOnePortrait | |
F5AE | StaplingPortraitBottomLeft | |
F5B0 | PlaySolid | |
F5E7 | RepeatOff | |
F5ED | Set | |
F5EE | SetSolid | |
F5EF | FuzzyReading | |
F5F2 | VerticalBattery0 | |
F5F3 | VerticalBattery1 | |
F5F4 | VerticalBattery2 | |
F5F5 | VerticalBattery3 | |
F5F6 | VerticalBattery4 | |
F5F7 | VerticalBattery5 | |
F5F8 | VerticalBattery6 | |
F5F9 | VerticalBattery7 | |
F5FA | VerticalBattery8 | |
F5FB | VerticalBattery9 | |
F5FC | VerticalBattery10 | |
F5FD | VerticalBatteryCharging0 | |
F5FE | VerticalBatteryCharging1 | |
F5FF | VerticalBatteryCharging2 |
PUA F600-F800
The following table of glyphs displays unicode points prefixed from F6- to F8-.
Glyph | Unicode point | Description |
F600 | VerticalBatteryCharging3 | |
F601 | VerticalBatteryCharging4 | |
F602 | VerticalBatteryCharging5 | |
F603 | VerticalBatteryCharging6 | |
F604 | VerticalBatteryCharging7 | |
F605 | VerticalBatteryCharging8 | |
F606 | VerticalBatteryCharging9 | |
F607 | VerticalBatteryCharging10 | |
F608 | VerticalBatteryUnknown | |
F614 | DoublePortrait | |
F615 | DoubleLandscape | |
F616 | SinglePortrait | |
F617 | SingleLandscape | |
F618 | SIMError | |
F619 | SIMMissing | |
F61A | SIMLock | |
F61B | eSIM | |
F61C | eSIMNoProfile | |
F61D | eSIMLocked | |
F61E | eSIMBusy | |
F61F | NoiseCancelation | |
F620 | NoiseCancelationOff | |
F623 | MusicSharing | |
F624 | MusicSharingOff | |
F63C | CircleShapeSolid | |
F657 | WifiCallBars | |
F658 | WifiCall0 | |
F659 | WifiCall1 | |
F65A | WifiCall2 | |
F65B | WifiCall3 | |
F65C | WifiCall4 | |
F69E | CHTLanguageBar | |
F6A9 | ComposeMode | |
F6B8 | ExpressiveInputEntry | |
F6BA | EmojiTabMoreSymbols | |
F6FA | WebSearch | |
F712 | Kiosk | |
F714 | RTTLogo | |
F715 | VoiceCall | |
F716 | GoToMessage | |
F71A | ReturnToCall | |
F71C | StartPresenting | |
F71D | StopPresenting | |
F71E | ProductivityMode | |
F738 | SetHistoryStatus | |
F739 | SetHistoryStatus2 | |
F73D | Keyboardsettings20 | |
F73E | OneHandedRight20 | |
F73F | OneHandedLeft20 | |
F740 | Split20 | |
F741 | Full20 | |
F742 | Handwriting20 | |
F743 | CheveronLeft20 | |
F744 | CheveronLeft32 | |
F745 | CheveronRight20 | |
F746 | CheveronRight32 | |
F781 | MicOff2 | |
F785 | DeliveryOptimization | |
F78A | CancelMedium | |
F78B | SearchMedium | |
F78C | AcceptMedium | |
F78D | RevealPasswordMedium | |
F7AD | DeleteWord | |
F7AE | DeleteWordFill | |
F7AF | DeleteLines | |
F7B0 | DeleteLinesFill | |
F7B1 | InstertWords | |
F7B2 | InstertWordsFill | |
F7B3 | JoinWords | |
F7B4 | JoinWordsFill | |
F7B5 | OverwriteWords | |
F7B6 | OverwriteWordsFill | |
F7B7 | AddNewLine | |
F7B8 | AddNewLineFill | |
F7B9 | OverwriteWordsKorean | |
F7BA | OverwriteWordsFillKorean | |
F7BB | EducationIcon | |
F7ED | WindowSnipping | |
F7EE | VideoCapture | |
F809 | StatusSecured | |
F83B | NarratorApp | |
F83D | PowerButtonUpdate | |
F83E | RestartUpdate | |
F83F | UpdateStatusDot | |
F847 | Eject | |
F87B | Spelling | |
F87C | SpellingKorean | |
F87D | SpellingSerbian | |
F87E | SpellingChinese | |
F89A | FolderSelect | |
F8A5 | SmartScreen | |
F8A6 | ExploitProtection | |
F8AA | AddBold | |
F8AB | SubtractBold | |
F8AC | BackSolidBold | |
F8AD | ForwardSolidBold | |
F8AE | PauseBold | |
F8AF | ClickSolid | |
F8B0 | SettingsSolid | |
F8B1 | MicrophoneSolidBold | |
F8B2 | SpeechSolidBold | |
F8B3 | ClickedOutLoudSolidBold |
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