IImageList::SetOverlayImage method (commoncontrols.h)

Adds a specified image to the list of images used as overlay masks. An image list can have up to four overlay masks in Common Controls version 4.70 and earlier, and up to 15 in version 4.71 or later. The method assigns an overlay mask index to the specified image.


HRESULT SetOverlayImage(
  [in] int iImage,
  [in] int iOverlay


[in] iImage

Type: int

A value of type int that contains the zero-based index of an image in the image list. This index identifies the image to use as an overlay mask.

[in] iOverlay

Type: int

A value of type int that contains the one-based index of the overlay mask.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


An overlay mask is an image drawn transparently over another image. To draw an overlay mask over an image, call IImageList::Draw. The fStyle parameter of these functions can use the INDEXTOOVERLAYMASK macro to specify an overlay mask index.

A call to this method fails and returns E_INVALIDARG unless the image list is created using a mask.

To use IImageList::SetOverlayImage, specify Comctl32.dll version 6 in the manifest. For more information on manifests, see Enabling Visual Styles.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header commoncontrols.h
DLL Comctl32.dll (version 6.0 or later)