IMsmConfigureModule::ProvideTextData method (mergemod.h)

The ProvideTextData method retrieves text data from the client tool. For more information, see the ProvideTextData method of the ConfigureModule object.


HRESULT ProvideTextData(
  [in]  const BSTR Name,
  [out] BSTR       *ConfigData


[in] Name

If the tool does not provide any configuration data for this value, the function should return S_FALSE. In this case, Mergemod.dll ignores the value of the ConfigData argument and uses the Default value from the ModuleConfiguration table.

[out] ConfigData

The tool should return S_OK and provide the appropriate customization text in ConfigData. The client tool is responsible for allocating the data, but Mergemod.dll is responsible for releasing the memory. This argument must be a BSTR object. LPCWSTR is not accepted.

Return value

Any return code other than S_OK or S_FALSE causes an error to be logged (if a log is open) and results in the merge failing.


The client may be called no more than once for each record in the ModuleConfiguration table. Note that Mergemod.dll never makes multiple calls to the client for the same "Name" value. If no record in the ModuleSubstitution table uses the property, an entry in the ModuleConfiguration table causes no calls to the client.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Mergemod.dll 2.0 or later
Target Platform Windows
Header mergemod.h
DLL Mergemod.dll

See also


Merge Module Automation