UiaNavigate function (uiautomationcoreapi.h)

Note  This function is deprecated. Client applications should use the Microsoft UI Automation Component Object Model (COM) interfaces instead.
Navigates in the UI Automation tree, optionally retrieving cached information.


HRESULT UiaNavigate(
  [in]  HUIANODE          hnode,
  [in]  NavigateDirection direction,
  [in]  UiaCondition      *pCondition,
  [in]  UiaCacheRequest   *pRequest,
  [out] SAFEARRAY         **ppRequestedData,
  [out] BSTR              *ppTreeStructure


[in] hnode


The element on which the navigation begins.

[in] direction

Type: NavigateDirection

A value from the NavigateDirection enumerated type indicating the direction to navigate from hnode.

[in] pCondition

Type: UiaCondition*

The address of a UiaCondition structure that specifies the condition that the element being navigated to must match. Use this parameter to skip elements that are not of interest.

[in] pRequest

Type: UiaCacheRequest*

The address of a UiaCacheRequest structure that contains a description of the information to be cached.

[out] ppRequestedData


The address of a variable that receives a pointer to a SAFEARRAY that contains the requested data. This parameter is passed uninitialized. See Remarks.

[out] ppTreeStructure

Type: BSTR*

The address of a variable that receives the description of the tree structure. This parameter is passed uninitialized. See Remarks.

Return value


Returns S_OK if successful or an error value otherwise.


The tree structure is described by a string where every character is either "p" or ")". The first character in the string always represents the root node. The string is NULL if no elements are returned by the function.

A "p" represents a node (UI Automation element). When one "p" directly follows another, the second node is a child of the first. A ")" represents a step back up the tree. For example, "pp)p" represents a node followed by two child nodes that are siblings of one another. In "pp))p", the last node is a sibling of the first one.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header uiautomationcoreapi.h
Library Uiautomationcore.lib
DLL Uiautomationcore.dll