IAVIStreaming interface (vfw.h)

The IAVIStreaming interface supports preparing open data streams for playback in streaming operations. Uses IUnknown::QueryInterface, IUnknown::AddRef, IUnknown::Release in addition to the following custom methods:


The IAVIStreaming interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IAVIStreaming also has these types of members:


The IAVIStreaming interface has these methods.


The Begin method prepares for the streaming operation. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamBeginStreaming function.

The End method ends the streaming operation. Called when an application uses the AVIStreamEndStreaming function.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header vfw.h

See also

Custom File and Stream Handler Interfaces

Custom File and Stream Handlers