IVssBackupComponents::SetFileRestoreStatus method (vsbackup.h)

The SetFileRestoreStatus method indicates whether some, all, or no files were successfully restored.


HRESULT SetFileRestoreStatus(
  [in] VSS_ID                  writerId,
  [in] VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE      ct,
  [in] LPCWSTR                 wszLogicalPath,
  [in] LPCWSTR                 wszComponentName,


[in] writerId

Writer identifier.

[in] ct

Type of the component. See VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE for the possible values.

[in] wszLogicalPath

Null-terminated wide character string containing the logical path of the component.

For more information, see Logical Pathing of Components.

The value of the string containing the logical path used here should be the same as was used when the component was added to the backup set using IVssBackupComponents::AddComponent.

The logical path can be NULL.

There are no restrictions on the characters that can appear in a non-NULL logical path.

[in] wszComponentName

Null-terminated wide character string containing the name of the component.

The string cannot be NULL and should contain the same component name as was used when the component was added to the backup set using IVssBackupComponents::AddComponent.

[in] status

If all of the files were restored, the value of this parameter is VSS_RS_ALL. If some of the files were restored, the value of this parameter is VSS_RS_FAILED. If none of the files were restored, the value of this parameter is VSS_RS_NONE.

Return value

The following are the valid return codes for this method.

Value Meaning
Successfully set the file restore status.
One of the parameter values is not valid.
The caller is out of memory or other system resources.
The backup components object is not initialized, or this method has not been called within the correct sequence.
The backup component does not exist.
The XML document is not valid. Check the event log for details. For more information, see Event and Error Handling Under VSS.
Unexpected error. The error code is logged in the error log file. For more information, see Event and Error Handling Under VSS.

Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP:  This value is not supported until Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. E_UNEXPECTED is used instead.


This method should be called between calls to IVssBackupComponents::PreRestore and IVssBackupComponents::PostRestore.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header vsbackup.h (include VsBackup.h, Vss.h, VsWriter.h)
Library VssApi.lib

See also


