PxeDhcpGetVendorOptionValue function (wdspxe.h)

Retrieves an option value from the Vendor Specific Information field (43) of a DHCP packet.


DWORD PXEAPI PxeDhcpGetVendorOptionValue(
  [in]            PVOID pPacket,
  [in]            ULONG uPacketLen,
  [in]            BYTE  bOption,
  [in]            ULONG uInstance,
  [out, optional] PBYTE pbOptionLen,
  [out, optional] PVOID *ppOptionValue


[in] pPacket

Pointer to a reply packet allocated with the PxePacketAllocate function.

[in] uPacketLen

Length of the packet pointed to by the pReplyPacket parameter.

[in] bOption

Option whose value will be retrieved.

[in] uInstance

One-based index that specifies which instance of the bOption parameter to retrieve.

[out, optional] pbOptionLen

Address of BYTE which will receive the length of the option value.

[out, optional] ppOptionValue

Address of PVOID which will receive the address of the option value inside the packet.

Return value

Common return values are listed in the following table. For all other failures, an appropriate Windows error code is returned.

Return code/value Description
0 (0x0)
The option was found and a pointer to the value was returned.
2 (0x2)
The option was not located.
13 (0xD)
The packet is not a valid DHCP packet. This test is not as thorough as the tests used by the PxeDhcpIsValid function; only the packet length and magic cookie are verified.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 with SP2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wdspxe.h
Library WdsPxe.lib
DLL WdsPxe.dll

See also



Windows Deployment Services Server Functions