ID3D10Device::RSSetState method (d3d10.h)

Set the rasterizer state for the rasterizer stage of the pipeline.


void RSSetState(
  [in] ID3D10RasterizerState *pRasterizerState


[in] pRasterizerState

Type: ID3D10RasterizerState*

Pointer to a rasterizer-state interface (see ID3D10RasterizerState) to bind to the pipeline.

Return value



To create a rasterizer state interface, call ID3D10Device::CreateRasterizerState. For more details on setting up the rasterizer state, see Set Rasterizer State.

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d10.h
Library D3D10.lib

See also

ID3D10Device Interface