DD_SETCOLORKEYDATA structure (ddrawint.h)

The DD_SETCOLORKEYDATA structure contains information necessary to set the color key value for the specified surface.


typedef struct _DD_SETCOLORKEYDATA {
  PDD_SURFACE_LOCAL     lpDDSurface;
  DWORD                 dwFlags;
  DDCOLORKEY            ckNew;
  HRESULT               ddRVal;
  VOID                  *SetColorKey;



Points to the DD_DIRECTDRAW_GLOBAL structure that describes the driver's device.


Points to the DD_SURFACE_LOCAL structure that describes the surface with which the color key is to be associated.


Specifies which color key is being requested. This member is a bitwise OR of any of the following values:

Value Meaning
DDCKEY_COLORSPACE The DDCOLORKEY structure contains a color space. If this bit is not set, the structure contains a single color key.
DDCKEY_DESTBLT The DDCOLORKEY structure specifies a color key or color space to be used as a destination color key for blt operations.
DDCKEY_DESTOVERLAY The DDCOLORKEY structure specifies a color key or color space to be used as a destination color key for overlay operations.
DDCKEY_SRCBLT The DDCOLORKEY structure specifies a color key or color space to be used as a source color key for blit operations.
DDCKEY_SRCOVERLAY The DDCOLORKEY structure specifies a color key or color space to be used as a source color key for overlay operations


Specifies a DDCOLORKEY structure that specifies the new color key values for the DirectDrawSurface object. For more information about DDCOLORKEY, see the latest Microsoft DirectX SDK documentation.


Specifies the location in which the driver writes the return value of the DdSetColorKey callback. A return code of DD_OK indicates success. For more information, see Return Values for DirectDraw.


This is not used on Microsoft Windows 2000 and later.


Requirement Value
Header ddrawint.h (include Winddi.h)

See also
