IMbnSmsEvents::OnSmsReadComplete method (mbnapi.h)


Starting in Windows 10, version 1803, the Win32 APIs described in this section are replaced by the Windows Runtime APIs in the Windows.Networking.Connectivity namespace.

Notification method indicating the completion of a message read operation.


HRESULT OnSmsReadComplete(
  [in] IMbnSms        *sms,
  [in] MBN_SMS_FORMAT smsFormat,
  [in] SAFEARRAY      *readMsgs,
  [in] VARIANT_BOOL   moreMsgs,
  [in] ULONG          requestID,
  [in] HRESULT        status


[in] sms

An IMbnSms interface representing the message store that completed the operation.

[in] smsFormat

An MBN_SMS_FORMAT value that defines the format of the SMS message.

[in] readMsgs

An array of messages read from the device.

[in] moreMsgs

A Boolean value that indicates whether there are more messages still being processed. If this is TRUE, then OnSmsReadComplete will be called repeatedly until there are not more messages and moreMsgs is FALSE.

[in] requestID

A request ID assigned by the Mobile Broadband service to identify the message read operation.

[in] status

A status code that indicates the outcome of the operation.

A calling application can expect one of the following values.

Value Meaning
The operation was successful.
There is no SIM in the device.
There is a bad SIM in the device.
A PIN is required for the operation to complete.
Either the SMS operation or the particular SMS format is not supported by the device.
SMS memory failure.
There is no memory index with the requested value.
The device does not support the requested filter.

Return value

This method must return S_OK.


For GSM devices, the calling application should call QueryInterface on the each element in readMsgs for an IMbnSmsReadMsgPdu interface.

For CDMA devices, if smsFormat is MBN_SMS_FORMAT_TEXT, the application should call QueryInterface for an IMbnSmsReadMsgTextCdma interface; otherwise, if smsFormat is MBN_SMS_FORMAT_PDU, the application should call QueryInterface for an IMbnSmsReadMsgPdu interface.

If a read request results in a large amount of messages being read, then OnSmsReadComplete may be called repeatedly until moreMsgs indicates there are no more messages to be read.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header mbnapi.h

See also
