IPrintAsyncNotifyCallback::OnEventNotify method (prnasnot.h)

Alerts a listener that a notification is available on a specified channel. This method is called by the print system.


HRESULT OnEventNotify(
  [in] IPrintAsyncNotifyChannel    *pChannel,
  [in] IPrintAsyncNotifyDataObject *pData


[in] pChannel

A pointer to the channel used by the sender and the listener.

[in] pData

A pointer to the object that contains the notification data and its size and type.

Return value

HRESULT Severity Meaning
S_OK SUCCESS The function completed successfully.
INTERNAL_NOTIFICATION_QUEUE_IS_FULL ERROR The Print Spooler cannot hold any more queued notifications. By default, the maximum size of the queue is 10 notifications. When this error is returned, the listening application is not processing the notifications as fast as they are being sent. This notification should either be resent or discarded.

The return values are COM error codes. Because this function might complete the operation successfully yet return an HRESULT other than S_OK you should use the SUCCEEDED or FAILED macro to determine the success of the call. To get the specific HRESULT that was returned by the function, use the HRESULT_CODE macro.

See PrintAsyncNotifyError for other possible return values.

For more information about COM error codes, see Error Handling.

The following code example shows how these macros can be used to evaluate the return value.

if (SUCCEEDED(hr)){
  // Call was successful 

if (FAILED(hr)) {
  // Call failed 

if (FAILED(hr)) {
  // Call failed, check HRESULT value returned
  switch (HRESULT_CODE(hr)){
      // Some action 
      // Default action 
} else {
  // Call succeeded 


To deliver a notification, the print spooler will call the OnEventNotify method of the IPrintAsyncNotifyCallback object provided by the listening application at the time it registered for notifications. For unidirectional notifications, pChannel is NULL. For bidirectional channels, pChannel points to an IPrintAsyncNotifyChannel to be used by a listening application to send a notification in response. The listener will do this by calling the SendNotification method of the IPrintAsyncNotifyChannel.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header prnasnot.h
DLL Prnasnot.dll

See also

Asynchronous Printing Notification Interfaces

Error Handling

