PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore function (propsys.h)

Creates an in-memory property store.


PSSTDAPI PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore(
  [in]  REFIID riid,
  [out] void   **ppv


[in] riid


Reference to the requested interface ID.

[out] ppv

Type: void**

When this function returns, contains a pointer to the desired interface, typically IPropertyStore or IPersistSerializedPropStorage.

Return value


If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


This function creates an in-memory property store object that implements IPropertyStore, INamedPropertyStore, IPropertyStoreCache, IPersistStream, IPropertyBag, and IPersistSerializedPropStorage.

This is the same object identified by InMemoryPropertyStore (CLSID_InMemoryPropertyStore) and InMemoryPropertyStoreMarshalByValue (CLSID_InMemoryPropertyStoreMarshalByValue), constructed with CoCreateInstance.

InMemoryPropertyStoreMarshalByValue can be used in designs that pass objects between processes to make them more efficient. It implements marshal by value, creating a copy of the object in the unmarshal context and avoids inter-process communication that can be expensive.

The memory property store has no presistent representation so calls to IPropertyStore::Commit are a no-op.

The memory property store is thread safe and agile.


The following example demonstrates how to use InMemoryPropertyStore.

auto memPropStore = wil::CoCreateInstance<InMemoryPropertyStore, IPropertyStore>();
auto value = PROPVARIANT{};
value.vt = VT_LPWSTR;
value.pwszVal = L"Title";
THROW_IF_FAILED(memPropStore->SetValue(PKEY_Title, value));


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP with SP2, Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 with SP1 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header propsys.h
Library Propsys.lib
DLL Propsys.dll (version 6.0 or later)
Redistributable Windows Desktop Search (WDS) 3.0

See also
