ITsSbClientConnection::PutContext method (sbtsv.h)

Can be used by plug-ins to store context information specific to the connection.


HRESULT PutContext(
  [in]            BSTR    contextId,
  [in]            VARIANT context,
  [out, optional] VARIANT *existingContext


[in] contextId

A BSTR variable that contains the context ID. We recommend using unique identifiers as context IDs to avoid collisions between plug-ins. A client connection object can be used by more than one plug-in.

[in] context

The context information to store.

[out, optional] existingContext

Existing context information for the supplied context ID, if any, is returned in this parameter. The existing information is overwritten.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Plug-ins can use the client connection object to store context information that is specific to a connection request. This allows plug-ins to remain stateless and rely exclusively on state information stored by connection requests. Plug-ins that use this method can also register for connection request notifications. Contexts can be deleted upon receipt of CONNECTION_REQUEST_FAILED, CONNECTION_REQUEST_TIMEDOUT, or CONNECTION_REQUEST_SUCCEEDED notifications. These notifications indicate that the connection request is about to be deleted.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Windows
Header sbtsv.h

See also
