WSManProxyAuthenticationFlags enumeration (wsmandisp.h)

Determines the proxy authentication mechanism.


typedef enum _WSManProxyAuthenticationFlags {
  WSManFlagProxyAuthenticationUseNegotiate = 0x1,
  WSManFlagProxyAuthenticationUseBasic = 0x2,
  WSManFlagProxyAuthenticationUseDigest = 0x4
} WSManProxyAuthenticationFlags;


Value: 0x1
Use Negotiate authentication. The client sends a request to the server to authenticate. The server determines whether to use Kerberos or NTLM. In general, Kerberos is selected to authenticate a domain account and NTLM is selected for local computer accounts. But there are also some special cases in which Kerberos/NTLM are selected. The user name should be specified in the form DOMAIN\username for a domain user or SERVERNAME\username for a local user on a server computer.
Value: 0x2
Use Basic authentication. The client presents credentials in the form of a user name and password that are directly transmitted in the request message.
Value: 0x4
Use Digest authentication. Only the client computer can initiate a Digest authentication request. The client sends a request to the server to authenticate and receives from the server a token string. The client then sends the resource request, including the user name and a cryptographic hash of the password combined with the token string. Digest authentication is supported for HTTP and HTTPS.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Header wsmandisp.h
Redistributable Windows Management Framework on Windows Server 2008 with SP2 and Windows Vista with SP2