MrmIndexResourceContainerAutoQualifiers function

Adds the string resources embedded in a resource container to a Resource Indexer, inferring the resource names and qualifiers from the container path. A resource container is a file such as a resw or resjson file that contains a list of resource name / value pairs. You can also add the contents of an existing existing PRI file to the indexer with this function. Note that it is the resource names inside the container that are indexed, not the values.


HRESULT HRESULT MrmIndexResourceContainerAutoQualifiers(
  _In_ MrmResourceIndexerHandle indexer,
  _In_ PCWSTR                   containerPath


indexer [in]

Type: MrmResourceIndexerHandle

A handle identifying the resource indexer to add the resources to. This handle is returned via a call to MrmCreateResourceIndexer or one of the related MrmCreateResourceIndexer...* functions.

containerPath [in]


A path to a resw, resjson, or .pri file containing string resources that you want to add to the index. This path is relative to the project root specified when creating the indexer via one of the MrmCreateResourceIndexer... functions. The file must exist.

Return value


S_OK if the function succeeded, otherwise some other value. Use the SUCCEEDED or FAILED macros (defined in winerror.h) to determine success or failure.


This function infers the resource names and qualifiers from both containerPath and the resources inside the container itself. The file identified by containerPath does not need to be included in your final app installation package.

The algorithm for computing resource names differs depending on the file type:

For resw and resjson files:

Given a containerPath of the form path1\path2\pathn\filename.ext, the following basic algorithm is used:

  1. Let resourceName be the string ms-resource:///.
  2. Let qualifiers be an empty string.
  3. For each path segment in filePath, check if it consists of a valid qualifier list string (see Qualifiers in MRM for more info). If so, append those qualifiers to qualifiers, otherwise ignore it.
  4. For filename, split it up into segments separated by dots (.). Note that .ext is ignored.
    • If there are exactly two segments, and the second segment is a valid qualifier list, add it to qualifiers and append the first segment toresourceName.
    • Otherwise, append the entire filename (but not .ext) resourceName.
  5. For each resource name inside filename, replaces any dots (.) with forward slashes (/) and append it to resourceName, then add to the indexer with the specified value and qualifiers.
    • Note there is no attempt to infer qualifiers from the resource name inside the container; the name is just added verbatim to the resourceName

For example:

filePath resource name (inside file) resourceName qualifiers
resources.resw my_string ms-resource:///resources/my_string <N/A>
images.resw logo.scale-200.png ms-resource:///images/logo/scale-200/png <N/A>
language-es\text.homeregion-mx.resjson greeting ms-resource:///text/greeting language-es_homeregion-mx
content\language-jp\menu.scale-100.submenu.resjson title.text ms-resource:///menu.scale-100.submenu/title/text language-jp

The last line of the table illustrates three of the more subtle parts of the algorithm:

  1. Directory names that aren't qualifiers are ignored (in this case, "content").
  2. Embedded qualifiers in filenames are ignored if there are additional segments (in this case, ".submenu").
  3. Dots inside resource names are turned into slashes (but dots inside file paths are retained).

In some cases, having embedded dots or slashes inside a resource name inside a container will lead to an error 0x80073b39 when creating the resource file (not when adding it to the index). In general, it is best to avoid embedded slashes or dots in names, and to avoid embedded qualifiers since they will be ignored.

For PRI files:

Because PRI files already contain resources with qualifier information, no qualifiers are inferred from filePath; it is simply the name of the file to read. When indexing resources from within the PRI file, for a given resource name ms-resource:///rootPath/theRest... the following algorithm is used:

  1. If the type of resource is String, then replace rootPath with "strings" and use the result as the resource name.
  2. Otherwise (the type of the resource is Path or EmbeddedData), use the resource name as-is.

The value and qualifiers are added verbatim from the PRI file, with this new resource name.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows 10, version 1803 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server [desktop apps only]

See also





File resources in MRM

Package resource indexing (PRI) APIs and custom build systems