CXAPOParametersBase Members

Shows the members of the CXAPOParametersBase class.

Public Constructors

Constructor Description
CXAPOParametersBase Constructs a CXAPOParametersBase object.


Public Methods

Method Description
AddRef (inherited from IXAPO) Increments the XAPO object's reference count.
BeginProcess Returns the current process parameters.
CalcInputFrames (inherited from IXAPO) Returns the number of input frames required to generate the given number of output frames.
CalcOutputFrames (inherited from IXAPO) Returns the number of output frames required to generate the given number of input frames.
EndProcess Notifies CXAPOParametersBase that the XAPO has finished accessing the current process parameters.
GetParameters (inherited from IXAPOParameters) Gets effect-specific parameters.
GetRegistrationProperties (inherited from IXAPO) Returns the registration properties of an XAPO.
Initialize (inherited from IXAPO) Performs any effect-specific initialization.
IsInputFormatSupported (inherited from IXAPO) Queries if a specific input format is supported for a given output format.
IsOutputFormatSupported (inherited from IXAPO) Queries if a specific output format is supported for a given input format.
LockForProcess (inherited from IXAPO) Notifies XAPO of stream formats Process will be given.
OnSetParameters Called by IXAPOParameters::SetParameters to allow for user-defined parameter validation.
ParametersChanged Indicates if IXAPOParameters::SetParameters has been called since the last processing pass.
QueryInterface (inherited from IXAPO) Retrieves the requested interface pointer if the XAPO supports it.
Release (inherited from IXAPO) Decrements the XAPO object's reference count and deletes the object if the reference count falls to zero.
Reset (inherited from IXAPO) Returns the object to the state it was in just after LockForProcess was called.
SetParameters (inherited from IXAPOParameters) Sets effect-specific parameters.
UnlockForProcess (inherited from IXAPO) Opposite of LockForProcess: variables allocated during LockForProcess should be deallocated in this method.


CXAPOParametersBase class