App Control for Business Wizard


Some capabilities of App Control for Business are only available on specific Windows versions. Learn more about App Control feature availability.

The App Control for Business policy wizard is an open-source Windows desktop application written in C# and bundled as an MSIX package. It was built to provide security architects with security, and system administrators with a more user-friendly means to create, edit, and merge App Control policies. This tool uses the ConfigCI PowerShell cmdlets in the backend so the output policy of the tool and PowerShell cmdlets is identical.

Downloading the application

Download the tool from the official App Control for Business Policy Wizard website as an MSIX packaged application. The tool's source code is available as part of Microsoft's Open Source Software offerings on GitHub at the App Control for Business Policy Wizard repository.

Supported clients

As the tool uses the cmdlets in the background, it's functional on clients only where the cmdlets are supported. For more information, see App Control feature availability. Specifically, the tool verifies that the client meets one of the following requirements:

  • Windows 10, version 1909 or later
  • For pre-1909 builds, the Enterprise SKU of Windows is installed

If neither requirement is satisfied, it throws an error as the cmdlets aren't available.

Resources to learn more

Article Description
Creating a new base policy This article describes how to create a new base policy using one of the supplied policy templates.
Creating a new supplemental policy This article describes the steps necessary to create a supplemental policy, from one of the supplied templates, for an existing base policy.
Editing a base or supplemental policy This article demonstrates how to modify an existing policy and the tool's editing capabilities.
Merging policies This article describes how to merge policies into a single App Control policy.