Use receipts to verify product purchases
Each Microsoft Store transaction that results in a successful product purchase can optionally return a transaction receipt. This receipt provides information about the listed product and monetary cost to the customer.
Having access to this information supports scenarios where your app needs to verify that a user purchased your app, or has made add-on (also called in-app product or IAP) purchases from the Microsoft Store. For example, imagine a game that offers downloaded content. If the user who purchased the game content wants to play it on a different device, you need to verify that the user already owns the content. Here's how.
This article shows how to use members of the Windows.ApplicationModel.Store namespace to get and validate a receipt for an in-app purchase. If you are using the Windows.Services.Store namespace for in-app purchases (introduced in Windows 10, version 1607, and available to projects that target Windows 10 Anniversary Edition (10.0; Build 14393) or a later release in Visual Studio), this namespace does not provide an API for getting purchase receipts for in-app purchases. However, you can use a REST method in the Microsoft Store collection API to get data for a purchase transaction. For more information, see Receipts for in-app purchases.
Requesting a receipt
The Windows.ApplicationModel.Store namespace supports several ways to get a receipt:
- When you make a purchase by using CurrentApp.RequestAppPurchaseAsync or CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync (or one of the other overloads of this method), the return value contains the receipt.
- You can call the CurrentApp.GetAppReceiptAsync method to retrieve the current receipt info for your app and any add-ons in your app.
An app receipt looks something like this.
This example is formatted to help make the XML readable. Real app receipts do not include whitespace between elements.
<Receipt Version="1.0" ReceiptDate="2012-08-30T23:10:05Z" CertificateId="b809e47cd0110a4db043b3f73e83acd917fe1336" ReceiptDeviceId="4e362949-acc3-fe3a-e71b-89893eb4f528">
<AppReceipt Id="8ffa256d-eca8-712a-7cf8-cbf5522df24b" AppId="55428GreenlakeApps.CurrentAppSimulatorEventTest_z7q3q7z11crfr" PurchaseDate="2012-06-04T23:07:24Z" LicenseType="Full" />
<ProductReceipt Id="6bbf4366-6fb2-8be8-7947-92fd5f683530" ProductId="Product1" PurchaseDate="2012-08-30T23:08:52Z" ExpirationDate="2012-09-02T23:08:49Z" ProductType="Durable" AppId="55428GreenlakeApps.CurrentAppSimulatorEventTest_z7q3q7z11crfr" />
<Signature xmlns="">
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
<SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
<Reference URI="">
<Transform Algorithm="" />
<DigestMethod Algorithm="" />
A product receipt looks like this.
This example is formatted to help make the XML readable. Real product receipts do not include whitespace between elements.
<Receipt Version="1.0" ReceiptDate="2012-08-30T23:08:52Z" CertificateId="b809e47cd0110a4db043b3f73e83acd917fe1336" ReceiptDeviceId="4e362949-acc3-fe3a-e71b-89893eb4f528">
<ProductReceipt Id="6bbf4366-6fb2-8be8-7947-92fd5f683530" ProductId="Product1" PurchaseDate="2012-08-30T23:08:52Z" ExpirationDate="2012-09-02T23:08:49Z" ProductType="Durable" AppId="55428GreenlakeApps.CurrentAppSimulatorEventTest_z7q3q7z11crfr" />
<Signature xmlns="">
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
<SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
<Reference URI="">
<Transform Algorithm="" />
<DigestMethod Algorithm="" />
You can use either of these receipt examples to test your validation code. For more information about the contents of the receipt, see the element and attribute descriptions.
Validating a receipt
To validate a receipt's authenticity, you need your back-end system (a web service or something similar) to check the receipt's signature using the public certificate. To get this certificate, use the URL
, where CertificateId
is the CertificateId value in the receipt.
Here's an example of that validation process. This code runs in a .NET Framework console application that includes a reference to the System.Security assembly.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;
using System.Net;
namespace ReceiptVerificationSample
public sealed class RSAPKCS1SHA256SignatureDescription : SignatureDescription
public RSAPKCS1SHA256SignatureDescription()
base.KeyAlgorithm = typeof(RSACryptoServiceProvider).FullName;
base.DigestAlgorithm = typeof(SHA256Managed).FullName;
base.FormatterAlgorithm = typeof(RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter).FullName;
base.DeformatterAlgorithm = typeof(RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter).FullName;
public override AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter CreateDeformatter(AsymmetricAlgorithm key)
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter deformatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter(key);
return deformatter;
public override AsymmetricSignatureFormatter CreateFormatter(AsymmetricAlgorithm key)
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter formatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter(key);
return formatter;
class Program
// Utility function to read the bytes from an HTTP response
private static int ReadResponseBytes(byte[] responseBuffer, Stream resStream)
int count = 0;
int numBytesRead = 0;
int numBytesToRead = responseBuffer.Length;
count = resStream.Read(responseBuffer, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
numBytesRead += count;
numBytesToRead -= count;
} while (count > 0);
return numBytesRead;
public static X509Certificate2 RetrieveCertificate(string certificateId)
const int MaxCertificateSize = 10000;
// Retrieve the certificate URL.
String certificateUrl = String.Format(
"{0}", certificateId);
// Make an HTTP GET request for the certificate
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(certificateUrl);
request.Method = "GET";
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
// Retrieve the certificate out of the response stream
byte[] responseBuffer = new byte[MaxCertificateSize];
Stream resStream = response.GetResponseStream();
int bytesRead = ReadResponseBytes(responseBuffer, resStream);
if (bytesRead < 1)
//TODO: Handle error here
return new X509Certificate2(responseBuffer);
static bool ValidateXml(XmlDocument receipt, X509Certificate2 certificate)
// Create the signed XML object.
SignedXml sxml = new SignedXml(receipt);
// Get the XML Signature node and load it into the signed XML object.
XmlNode dsig = receipt.GetElementsByTagName("Signature", SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl)[0];
if (dsig == null)
// If signature is not found return false
System.Console.WriteLine("Signature not found.");
return false;
// Check the signature
bool isValid = sxml.CheckSignature(certificate, true);
return isValid;
static void Main(string[] args)
// .NET does not support SHA256-RSA2048 signature verification by default,
// so register this algorithm for verification.
// Load the receipt that needs to be verified as an XML document
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
// The certificateId attribute is present in the document root, retrieve it
XmlNode node = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
string certificateId = node.Attributes["CertificateId"].Value;
// Retrieve the certificate from the official site.
// NOTE: For sake of performance, you would want to cache this certificate locally.
// Otherwise, every single call will incur the delay of certificate retrieval.
X509Certificate2 verificationCertificate = RetrieveCertificate(certificateId);
// Validate the receipt with the certificate retrieved earlier
bool isValid = ValidateXml(xmlDoc, verificationCertificate);
System.Console.WriteLine("Certificate valid: " + isValid);
catch (Exception ex)
Element and attribute descriptions for a receipt
This section describes the elements and attributes in a receipt.
Receipt element
The root element of this file is the Receipt element, which contains information about app and in-app purchases. This element contains the following child elements.
Element | Required | Quantity | Description |
AppReceipt | No | 0 or 1 | Contains purchase information for the current app. |
ProductReceipt | No | 0 or more | Contains information about an in-app purchase for the current app. |
Signature | Yes | 1 | This element is a standard XML-DSIG construct. It contains a SignatureValue element, which contains the signature you can use to validate the receipt, and a SignedInfo element. |
Receipt has the following attributes.
Attribute | Description |
Version | The version number of the receipt. |
CertificateId | The certificate thumbprint used to sign the receipt. |
ReceiptDate | Date the receipt was signed and downloaded. |
ReceiptDeviceId | Identifies the device used to request this receipt. |
AppReceipt element
This element contains purchase information for the current app.
AppReceipt has the following attributes.
Attribute | Description |
Id | Identifies the purchase. |
AppId | The Package Family Name value that the OS uses for the app. |
LicenseType | Full, if the user purchased the full version of the app. Trial, if the user downloaded a trial version of the app. |
PurchaseDate | Date when the app was acquired. |
ProductReceipt element
This element contains information about an in-app purchase for the current app.
ProductReceipt has the following attributes.
Attribute | Description |
Id | Identifies the purchase. |
AppId | Identifies the app through which the user made the purchase. |
ProductId | Identifies the product purchased. |
ProductType | Determines the product type. Currently only supports a value of Durable. |
PurchaseDate | Date when the purchase occurred. |