Using the WinHTTP C/C++ API
This section contains information specific to using the WinHTTP C/C++ interface.
- WinHTTP Sessions describes the basic flow of a WinHTTP application, including the order in which functions are called.
- HINTERNET Handles in WinHTTP describes the various types of handles, the naming conventions for these handles, and their hierarchical structure.
- Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) in WinHTTP describes how WinHTTP uses URLs, and provides a code sample to illustrate use of the provided functions.
- Authentication in WinHTTP describes WinHTTP support for server and proxy authentication of HTTP sessions.
- Passport Authentication in WinHTTP describes WinHTTP support for Passport 1.4 authentication.
- SSL in WinHTTP describes WinHTTP support for the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.
- Using WinHTTP as a Side-by-side Assembly shows a sample application manifest that can be used for linking to WinHTTP.
- Cookie Handling in WinHTTP describes several options that WinHTTP client applications can use to handle cookies.
- Error Handling in WinHTTP describes how to set WinHTTP options programmatically from your C/C++ application.
- WinHTTP AutoProxy Support describes the different ways that WinHTTP API functions report errors.