IsDeviceRegisteredWithManagement function (mdmregistration.h)

Checks whether the device is registered with an MDM service. If the device is registered, it also returns the user principal name (UPN) of the registered user.


HRESULT IsDeviceRegisteredWithManagement(
  [out]           BOOL   *pfIsDeviceRegisteredWithManagement,
  [in, optional]  DWORD  cchUPN,
  [out, optional] LPWSTR pszUPN


[out] pfIsDeviceRegisteredWithManagement

Address of a BOOL indicates whether the device is registered.

[in, optional] cchUPN

Contains the maximum length that can be returned through the pszUPN parameter.

[out, optional] pszUPN

Optional address of a buffer that receives the NULL-terminated Unicode string containing the UPN of the user registered with the management service. If pszUPN is NULL then the BOOL pointed to by the pfIsDeviceRegisteredWithManagement parameter is updated to indicate whether the device is registered and the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS and the BOOL pointed to by the pfIsDeviceRegisteredWithManagement parameter contains TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the Unicode string pointed to by the pszUPN parameter contains the UPN of the registered user. If the function fails, the returned value describes the error. Possible values include those listed at MDM Registration Error Values.

If the buffer size indicated by the cchUPN parameter is too small then the call will fail with STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER but the BOOL pointed to by the pfIsDeviceRegisteredWithManagement parameter will be updated to indicate whether the device is registered.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8.1
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header mdmregistration.h
Library MDMRegistration.lib
DLL MDMRegistration.dll

See also

MDM Registration Error Values

MDM Registration Functions