Native Wifi
Overview of the Native Wifi technology.
To develop Native Wifi, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
DOT11_ADHOC_AUTH_ALGORITHM Specifies the authentication algorithm for user or machine authentication on an ad hoc network. |
DOT11_ADHOC_CIPHER_ALGORITHM Specifies a cipher algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt information on an ad hoc network. |
DOT11_ADHOC_CONNECT_FAIL_REASON Specifies the reason why a connection attempt failed. |
DOT11_ADHOC_NETWORK_CONNECTION_STATUS Specifies the connection state of an ad hoc network. |
ONEX_AUTH_IDENTITY Specifies the possible values of the identity used for 802.1X authentication status. |
ONEX_AUTH_RESTART_REASON Specifies the possible reasons that 802.1X authentication was restarted. |
ONEX_AUTH_STATUS Specifies the possible values for the 802.1X authentication status. |
ONEX_EAP_METHOD_BACKEND_SUPPORT Specifies the possible values for whether the EAP method configured on the supplicant for 802.1X authentication is supported on the authentication server. |
ONEX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE Specifies the possible values of the NotificationCode member of the WLAN_NOTIFICATION_DATA structure for 802.1X module notifications. |
ONEX_REASON_CODE Specifies the possible values that indicate the reason that 802.1X authentication failed. |
WL_DISPLAY_PAGES Specifies the active tab when the wireless profile user interface dialog box appears. |
WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE Defines the mode of connection. |
WLAN_FILTER_LIST_TYPE Indicates types of filter lists. |
WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_NOTIFICATION_CODE Specifies the possible values of the NotificationCode parameter for received notifications on the wireless Hosted Network. |
WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_OPCODE Specifies the possible values of the operation code for the properties to query or set on the wireless Hosted Network. |
WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_PEER_AUTH_STATE Specifies the possible values for the authentication state of a peer on the wireless Hosted Network. |
WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_REASON Specifies the possible values for the result of a wireless Hosted Network function call. |
WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_STATE Specifies the possible values for the network state of the wireless Hosted Network. |
WLAN_INTERFACE_TYPE Specifies the wireless interface type. |
WLAN_INTF_OPCODE Defines constants that specify various opcodes used to set and query parameters on a wireless interface. |
WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT Defines the securable objects used by Native Wifi Functions. |
Clone Creates a new enumeration interface. (IEnumDot11AdHocInterfaces.Clone) |
Clone Creates a new enumeration interface. (IEnumDot11AdHocNetworks.Clone) |
Clone Creates a new enumeration interface. (IEnumDot11AdHocSecuritySettings.Clone) |
CommitCreatedNetwork Initializes a created network and optionally commits the network's profile to the profile store. |
Connect Connects to a previously created wireless ad hoc network. |
CreateNetwork Creates a wireless ad hoc network. |
DeleteProfile Deletes any profile associated with the network. |
Disconnect Disconnects from an ad hoc network. |
GetActiveNetwork Gets the network that is currently active on the interface. |
GetContextGuid Gets the context identifier associated with the network. |
GetDeviceSignature Gets the signature of the NIC. |
GetDot11AuthAlgorithm Gets the authentication algorithm associated with the security settings. |
GetDot11CipherAlgorithm Gets the cipher algorithm associated with the security settings. |
GetFriendlyName Gets the friendly name of the NIC. |
GetIEnumDot11AdHocInterfaces Returns the set of wireless network interface cards (NICs) available on the machine. |
GetIEnumDot11AdHocNetworks Gets the collection of networks associated with this NIC. |
GetIEnumDot11AdHocNetworks Returns a list of available ad hoc network destinations within connection range. |
GetIEnumSecuritySettings Gets the collection of security settings associated with this NIC. |
GetInterface Gets the interface associated with a network. |
GetNetwork Returns the network associated with a signature. |
GetProfileName Gets the profile name associated with the network. |
GetSecuritySetting Gets the security settings for the network. |
GetSignalQuality Gets the signal quality values associated with the network's radio. |
GetSignature Gets the unique signature associated with the ad hoc network. |
GetSSID Gets the SSID of the network. |
GetStatus Gets the connection status of the active network associated with this NIC. |
GetStatus Gets the connection status of the network. |
HasProfile Returns a boolean value that specifies whether there is a saved profile associated with the network. |
IsAdHocCapable Specifies whether a NIC supports the creation or use of an ad hoc network. |
IsDot11d Specifies whether the NIC is 802.11d compliant. |
IsRadioOn Specifies whether the radio is on. |
Next Gets the specified number of elements from the sequence and advances the current position by the number of items retrieved. (IEnumDot11AdHocInterfaces.Next) |
Next Gets the specified number of elements from the sequence and advances the current position by the number of items retrieved. (IEnumDot11AdHocNetworks.Next) |
Next Gets the specified number of elements from the sequence and advances the current position by the number of items retrieved. (IEnumDot11AdHocSecuritySettings.Next) |
OnConnectFail Notifies the client that a connection attempt failed. |
OnConnectionStatusChange Notifies the client that the connection status of the network associated with the NIC has changed. |
OnInterfaceAdd Notifies the client that a new network interface card (NIC) is active. |
OnInterfaceRemove Notifies the client that a network interface card (NIC) has become inactive. |
OnNetworkAdd Notifies the client that a new wireless ad hoc network destination is in range and available for connection. |
OnNetworkRemove Notifies the client that a wireless ad hoc network destination is no longer available for connection. |
OnStatusChange Notifies the client that the connection status of the network has changed. |
Reset Resets to the beginning of the enumeration sequence. (IEnumDot11AdHocInterfaces.Reset) |
Reset Resets to the beginning of the enumeration sequence. (IEnumDot11AdHocNetworks.Reset) |
Reset Resets to the beginning of the enumeration sequence. (IEnumDot11AdHocSecuritySettings.Reset) |
Skip Skips over the next specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. (IEnumDot11AdHocInterfaces.Skip) |
Skip Skips over the next specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. (IEnumDot11AdHocNetworks.Skip) |
Skip Skips over the next specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. (IEnumDot11AdHocSecuritySettings.Skip) |
WFD_OPEN_SESSION_COMPLETE_CALLBACK Defines the callback function that is called by the WFDStartOpenSession function when the WFDStartOpenSession operation completes. |
WFDCancelOpenSession Indicates that the application wants to cancel a pending WFDStartOpenSession function that has not completed. |
WFDCloseHandle Closes a handle to the Wi-Fi Direct service. |
WFDCloseSession Closes a session after a previously successful call to the WFDStartOpenSession function. |
WFDOpenHandle Opens a handle to the Wi-Fi Direct service and negotiates a version of the Wi-FI Direct API to use. |
WFDOpenLegacySession Retrieves and applies a stored profile for a Wi-Fi Direct legacy device. |
WFDStartOpenSession Starts an on-demand connection to a specific Wi-Fi Direct device, which has been previously paired through the Windows Pairing experience. |
WFDUpdateDeviceVisibility Updates device visibility for the Wi-Fi Direct device address for a given installed Wi-Fi Direct device node. |
WLAN_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK Defines the type of notification callback function. |
WlanAllocateMemory Allocates memory. |
WlanCloseHandle Closes a connection to the server. |
WlanConnect Attempts to connect to a specific network. |
WlanDeleteProfile Deletes a wireless profile for a wireless interface on the local computer. |
WlanDeviceServiceCommand Allows an OEM or IHV component to communicate with a device service on a particular wireless LAN interface. |
WlanDisconnect Disconnects an interface from its current network. |
WlanEnumInterfaces Enumerates all of the wireless LAN interfaces currently enabled on the local computer. |
WlanExtractPsdIEDataList Extracts the proximity service discovery (PSD) information element (IE) data list from raw IE data included in a beacon. |
WlanFreeMemory Frees memory. |
WlanGetAvailableNetworkList Retrieves the list of available networks on a wireless LAN interface. |
WlanGetFilterList Retrieves a group policy or user permission list. |
WlanGetInterfaceCapability Retrieves the capabilities of an interface. |
WlanGetNetworkBssList Retrieves a list of the basic service set (BSS) entries of the wireless network or networks on a given wireless LAN interface. |
WlanGetProfile Retrieves all information about a specified wireless profile. |
WlanGetProfileCustomUserData Gets the custom user data associated with a wireless profile. |
WlanGetProfileList Retrieves the list of profiles. |
WlanGetSecuritySettings Gets the security settings associated with a configurable object. |
WlanGetSupportedDeviceServices Retrieves a list of the supported device services on a given wireless LAN interface. |
WlanHostedNetworkForceStart Transitions the wireless Hosted Network to the wlan_hosted_network_active state without associating the request with the application's calling handle. |
WlanHostedNetworkForceStop Transitions the wireless Hosted Network to the wlan_hosted_network_idle without associating the request with the application's calling handle. |
WlanHostedNetworkInitSettings Configures and persists to storage the network connection settings (SSID and maximum number of peers, for example) on the wireless Hosted Network if these settings are not already configured. |
WlanHostedNetworkQueryProperty Queries the current static properties of the wireless Hosted Network. |
WlanHostedNetworkQuerySecondaryKey Queries the secondary security key that is configured to be used by the wireless Hosted Network. |
WlanHostedNetworkQueryStatus Queries the current status of the wireless Hosted Network. |
WlanHostedNetworkRefreshSecuritySettings Refreshes the configurable and auto-generated parts of the wireless Hosted Network security settings. |
WlanHostedNetworkSetProperty Sets static properties of the wireless Hosted Network. |
WlanHostedNetworkSetSecondaryKey Configures the secondary security key that will be used by the wireless Hosted Network. |
WlanHostedNetworkStartUsing Starts the wireless Hosted Network. |
WlanHostedNetworkStopUsing Stops the wireless Hosted Network. |
WlanIhvControl Provides a mechanism for independent hardware vendor (IHV) control of WLAN drivers or services. |
WlanOpenHandle Opens a connection to the server. |
WlanQueryAutoConfigParameter Queries for the parameters of the auto configuration service. |
WlanQueryInterface The WlanQueryInterface function queries various parameters of a specified interface. |
WlanReasonCodeToString Retrieves a string that describes a specified reason code. |
WlanRegisterDeviceServiceNotification Allows user mode clients with admin privileges, or User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF) drivers, to register for unsolicited notifications corresponding to device services that they're interested in. |
WlanRegisterNotification Is used to register and unregister notifications on all wireless interfaces. |
WlanRegisterVirtualStationNotification Is used to register and unregister notifications on a virtual station. |
WlanRenameProfile Renames the specified profile. |
WlanSaveTemporaryProfile Saves a temporary profile to the profile store. |
WlanScan Requests a scan for available networks on the indicated interface. |
WlanSetAutoConfigParameter Sets parameters for the automatic configuration service. |
WlanSetFilterList Sets the permit/deny list. |
WlanSetInterface Sets user-configurable parameters. |
WlanSetProfile Sets the content of a specific profile. |
WlanSetProfileCustomUserData Sets the custom user data associated with a profile. |
WlanSetProfileEapUserData Sets the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) user credentials as specified by raw EAP data. |
WlanSetProfileEapXmlUserData Sets the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) user credentials as specified by an XML string. |
WlanSetProfileList Sets the preference order of profiles. |
WlanSetProfilePosition Sets the position of a single, specified profile in the preference list. |
WlanSetPsdIEDataList Sets the proximity service discovery (PSD) information element (IE) data list. |
WlanSetSecuritySettings Sets the security settings for a configurable object. |
WlanUIEditProfile Displays the wireless profile user interface (UI). |
IDot11AdHocInterface Represents a wireless network interface card (NIC). |
IDot11AdHocInterfaceNotificationSink Defines the notifications supported by IDot11AdHocInterface. |
IDot11AdHocManager Creates and manages 802.11 ad hoc networks. |
IDot11AdHocManagerNotificationSink Defines the notifications supported by the IDot11AdHocManager interface. |
IDot11AdHocNetwork Represents an available ad hoc network destination within connection range. |
IDot11AdHocNetworkNotificationSink Defines the notifications supported by the IDot11AdHocNetwork interface. |
IDot11AdHocSecuritySettings Specifies the security settings for a wireless ad hoc network. |
IEnumDot11AdHocInterfaces Represents the collection of currently visible 802.11 ad hoc network interfaces. |
IEnumDot11AdHocNetworks Represents the collection of currently visible 802.11 ad hoc networks. |
IEnumDot11AdHocSecuritySettings Represents the collection of security settings associated with each visible wireless ad hoc network. |
DOT11_NETWORK Contains information about an available wireless network. (DOT11_NETWORK) |
DOT11_NETWORK_LIST Contains a list of 802.11 wireless networks. |
ONEX_AUTH_PARAMS Contains 802.1X authentication parameters used for 802.1X authentication. |
ONEX_EAP_ERROR Contains 802.1X EAP error when an error occurs with 802.1X authentication. |
ONEX_RESULT_UPDATE_DATA Contains information on a status change to 802.1X authentication. |
ONEX_STATUS Contains the current 802.1X authentication status. |
ONEX_VARIABLE_BLOB Is used as a member of other 802.1X authentication structures to contain variable-sized members. |
WLAN_ASSOCIATION_ATTRIBUTES Contains association attributes for a connection. |
WLAN_AUTH_CIPHER_PAIR_LIST Contains a list of authentication and cipher algorithm pairs. |
WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK Contains information about an available wireless network. (WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK) |
WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK_LIST Contains an array of information about available networks. |
WLAN_BSS_ENTRY Contains information about a basic service set (BSS). |
WLAN_BSS_LIST Contains a list of basic service set (BSS) entries. |
WLAN_CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES Defines the attributes of a wireless connection. |
WLAN_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION_DATA Contains information about connection related notifications. |
WLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS Specifies the parameters used when using the WlanConnect function. |
WLAN_CONNECTION_QOS_INFO Contains information about the QoS features outlined by the WFA Wi-Fi QoS Management Specification pertaining to the current connection. |
WLAN_COUNTRY_OR_REGION_STRING_LIST Contains a list of supported country or region strings. |
WLAN_DEVICE_SERVICE_GUID_LIST Contains an array of device service GUIDs. |
WLAN_DEVICE_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_DATA A structure that represents a device service notification. |
WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_CONNECTION_SETTINGS Contains information about the connection settings on the wireless Hosted Network. |
WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_DATA_PEER_STATE_CHANGE Contains information about a network state change for a data peer on the wireless Hosted Network. |
WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_PEER_STATE Contains information about the peer state for a peer on the wireless Hosted Network. |
WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_RADIO_STATE Contains information about the radio state on the wireless Hosted Network. |
WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_SECURITY_SETTINGS Contains information about the security settings on the wireless Hosted Network. |
WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE Contains information about a network state change on the wireless Hosted Network. |
WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_STATUS Contains information about the status of the wireless Hosted Network. |
WLAN_INTERFACE_CAPABILITY Contains information about the capabilities of an interface. |
WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO Contains information about a wireless LAN interface. |
WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO_LIST Array of NIC interface information. |
WLAN_MAC_FRAME_STATISTICS Contains information about sent and received MAC frames. |
WLAN_MSM_NOTIFICATION_DATA Contains information about media specific module (MSM) connection related notifications. |
WLAN_PHY_FRAME_STATISTICS Contains information about sent and received PHY frames. |
WLAN_PHY_RADIO_STATE Specifies the radio state. |
WLAN_PROFILE_INFO Basic information about a profile. |
WLAN_PROFILE_INFO_LIST Contains a list of wireless profile information. |
WLAN_QOS_CAPABILITIES Contains capabilities of the features outlined in the WFA Wi-Fi QoS Management Specification. |
WLAN_QOS_INFO Represents information about the four features outlined in the WFA's Wi-Fi QoS Management Specification, and defined in the 802.11 spec. |
WLAN_RADIO_STATE Specifies the radio state on a list of physical layer (PHY) types. |
WLAN_RATE_SET The set of supported data rates. |
WLAN_RAW_DATA Contains raw data in the form of a blob that is used by some Native Wifi functions. |
WLAN_RAW_DATA_LIST Contains raw data in the form of an array of data blobs that are used by some Native Wifi functions. |
WLAN_REALTIME_CONNECTION_QUALITY Represents the attributes that describe the quality of the connection on a given interface. |
WLAN_REALTIME_CONNECTION_QUALITY_LINK_INFO Contains information about a connected link. |
WLAN_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES Defines the security attributes for a wireless connection. |
WLAN_STATISTICS Assorted statistics about an interface. |