Offline Files
Overview of the Offline Files technology.
To develop Offline Files, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
OFFLINEFILES_CACHING_MODE Describes the caching mode used in methods such as IOfflineFilesCache::IsPathCacheable and IOfflineFilesShareInfo::GetShareCachingMode. |
OFFLINEFILES_COMPARE Specifies the type of comparison to perform in the IOfflineFilesItemFilter::GetTimeFilter method. |
OFFLINEFILES_CONNECT_STATE Describes the connection state of an item in the Offline Files cache. |
OFFLINEFILES_EVENTS Event identifier codes describing events to be received or excluded by an event sink. |
OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_COPY Specifies whether the local, remote, or original copy of an item is being queried. |
OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TIME Specifies which time value associated with the cache item is to be used. |
OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TYPE Identifies the type of an item in the Offline Files cache. |
OFFLINEFILES_OFFLINE_REASON Indicates the reason why an item is offline. |
OFFLINEFILES_OP_RESPONSE Specifies whether to continue, retry, or stop processing items. |
OFFLINEFILES_PATHFILTER_MATCH Specifies how closely an event must match a filter. |
OFFLINEFILES_SETTING_VALUE_TYPE Identifies the data type returned by the IOfflineFilesSetting::GetValueType method. |
OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONFLICT_RESOLVE Identifies the conflict resolution code returned by the IOfflineFilesSyncConflictHandler::ResolveConflict method. |
OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_OPERATION Indicates the type of sync operation that was being performed when a sync error was encountered. |
OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_STATE Describes the sync state of an Offline Files item. |
BackgroundSyncBegin Reports that the Offline Files service is beginning to perform a background synchronization pass. |
BackgroundSyncEnd Reports that the Offline Files service completed a background synchronization pass. |
Begin Reports that an operation has begun. |
CacheEvictBegin This method is reserved for future use. (IOfflineFilesEvents2.CacheEvictBegin) |
CacheEvictEnd This method is reserved for future use. (IOfflineFilesEvents2.CacheEvictEnd) |
CacheIsCorrupted This method is reserved for future use. (IOfflineFilesEvents.CacheIsCorrupted) |
CacheIsFull This method is reserved for future use. (IOfflineFilesEvents.CacheIsFull) |
CacheMoved This method is reserved for future use. (IOfflineFilesEvents.CacheMoved) |
Clone Creates a new instance of the enumerator with the same enumeration state as the current one. (IEnumOfflineFilesItems.Clone) |
Clone Creates a new instance of the enumerator with the same enumeration state as the current one. (IEnumOfflineFilesSettings.Clone) |
DataLost Reports that one or more events destined for this event sink have been lost and will not be delivered. |
DeleteItems Deletes files and directories from the local cache. |
DeleteItemsForUser Deletes a user's files and directories from the local cache. |
DeletePreference Removes a preference setting. |
Enabled This method is reserved for future use. (IOfflineFilesEvents.Enabled) |
Encrypt Encrypts or unencrypts the contents of the Offline Files cache cached for the calling user. |
EncryptionChanged This method is reserved for future use. (IOfflineFilesEvents.EncryptionChanged) |
End Reports that an operation has ended. |
EnumItems Returns an enumerator of child items for the cache item implementing this method. (IOfflineFilesItemContainer.EnumItems) |
EnumItemsEx Returns an enumerator of child items for the cache item implementing this method. (IOfflineFilesItemContainer.EnumItemsEx) |
EnumSettingObjects Creates an enumerator of instances of IOfflineFilesSetting. |
FindItem Locates a particular file or directory item in the cache. (IOfflineFilesCache.FindItem) |
FindItemEx Locates a particular file or directory item in the cache. (IOfflineFilesCache.FindItemEx) |
GetAttributes Retrieves the Win32 attributes for an item. |
GetConnectState Determines whether an item is online or offline and, if offline, why. |
GetDescription Retrieves a text string describing the error. |
GetDiskSpaceInformation Retrieves the amount of disk space used by the Offline Files cache as well as the space limits applied to cache usage. |
GetEncryptionStatus Retrieves the current encryption state (encrypted or unencrypted) of the Offline Files cache. |
GetExcludedEvents Retrieves an array of OFFLINEFILES_EVENTS enumeration values describing which events should not be received by the event sink. |
GetFileAttributes Retrieves the Win32 file attributes for the item. |
GetFileSize Retrieves the size of an item. |
GetFileSize Retrieves the size of the item in bytes. |
GetFileTimes Retrieves the last-write and change times for the item. |
GetFilterFlags Provides flags to control flag-based filtering of items. |
GetIncludedEvents Retrieves an array of OFFLINEFILES_EVENTS enumeration values describing which events should be received by the event sink. |
GetItemChangeFlags Retrieves a value containing a set of flags that describe what changes were encountered during the sync operation associated with the sync error. |
GetItemType Returns a type code identifying the type of the item:_server, share, directory, or file. |
GetLocalInfo Retrieves an instance of the IOfflineFilesSyncErrorItemInfo interface containing the file times, size, and attributes of the local copy of the item involved in the synchronization. |
GetLocation Retrieves the current fully qualified directory path of the Offline Files cache. |
GetName Retrieves a name associated with a particular Offline Files setting. |
GetOriginalInfo Retrieves an instance of the IOfflineFilesSyncErrorItemInfo interface containing the file times, size, and attributes of the original copy of the item involved in the synchronization. |
GetParentItem Retrieves the IOfflineFilesItem interface for the parent of the item. |
GetPath Retrieves the fully qualified UNC path string for an item in the Offline Files cache. |
GetPathFilter Retrieves a UNC path string and a scope indicator describing which path-based events should be delivered to this event sink. |
GetPatternFilter Provides a filter pattern string to limit enumerated items based on item name patterns. |
GetPolicy Retrieves a policy associated with a particular Offline Files setting. |
GetPolicyScope Retrieves the scope of the policy associated with this setting. |
GetPreference Retrieves a per-machine or per-user preference associated with a particular Offline Files setting. |
GetPreferenceScope Indicates the scope of the preference associated with this setting. |
GetRawData Retrieves a block of bytes containing internal data associated with the error. |
GetRemoteInfo Retrieves an instance of the IOfflineFilesSyncErrorItemInfo interface containing the file times, size, and attributes of the remote copy of the item involved in the synchronization. |
GetSettingObject Creates an object that represents a particular Offline Files setting. |
GetShareCachingMode Retrieves the caching mode configuration of the closest ancestor share to the item. |
GetShareItem Finds the cache item representing the closest ancestor share to the item. |
GetSyncOperation Retrieves a value indicating the type of sync operation that was being performed when the error was encountered. |
GetTimeFilter Provides time-value-comparison semantics to control filtering of items based on time. |
GetTimes Retrieves the time values associated with an item. |
GetValue Retrieves the value of a particular Offline Files setting. |
GetValueType Retrieves the data type of a particular Offline Files setting. |
InfoAvailable Indicates whether information was obtained for the local, remote, or original copy of the item during synchronization. |
InfoEnumerated Indicates whether information was queried for the local, remote, or original copy of the item during synchronization. |
IsCreatedOffline Determines whether an item was created in the Offline Files cache while working offline. |
IsDeletedOffline Determines whether an item has been deleted from the Offline Files cache while working offline. |
IsDirty Determines whether an item in the Offline Files cache has been modified. |
IsEncrypted Determines whether an item in the Offline Files cache is encrypted. |
IsGhosted Determines whether the item is ghosted. |
IsLocallyModifiedAttributes Determines whether one or more of an item's attributes were modified while working offline. |
IsLocallyModifiedData Determines whether an item's data was modified while working offline. |
IsLocallyModifiedTime Determines whether one or more of an item's time values were modified while working offline. |
IsMarkedForDeletion Determines whether an item has been deleted from the Offline Files cache. |
IsPartlyPinned Determines whether the item is partly pinned. |
IsPathCacheable Determines whether a specified UNC path is in the Offline Files cache. |
IsPinned Determines whether the item is pinned. |
IsPinnedForComputer Determines whether the item was pinned for all users on the computer by Group Policy. |
IsPinnedForFolderRedirection Determines whether the item was pinned by Folder Redirection. |
IsPinnedForUser Determines whether the item was pinned by a user. |
IsPinnedForUserByPolicy Determines whether the item was pinned for users by Group Policy. |
IsShareDfsJunction Determines whether the share item is a DFS junction or a shared folder on a server. |
IsSparse Determines whether an item in the Offline Files cache is sparsely cached. |
IsSuspended Determines whether an item is suspended. |
IsTransparentlyCached Determines whether the item is transparently cached. |
ItemAddedToCache Reports that an item has been added to the Offline Files cache. |
ItemAvailableOffline Reports that an item in the Offline Files cache is now available for offline use should the remote copy become unavailable. |
ItemBegin Reports that an operation on an item is beginning. |
ItemDeletedFromCache Reports that an item has been removed from the Offline Files cache. |
ItemDisconnected Reports that an item in the Offline Files cache has transitioned from online to offline. |
ItemModified Reports that an item in the Offline Files cache has been modified. |
ItemNotAvailableOffline Reports that an item in the Offline Files cache is no longer available for offline use should the remote copy become unavailable. |
ItemNotPinned Reports that an item in the Offline Files cache is no longer pinned. |
ItemPinned Reports that an item in the Offline Files cache is now pinned and guaranteed to be available offline should the remote copy become unavailable. |
ItemReconnectBegin Reports that the Offline Files service is beginning to attempt to reconnect all offline scopes. |
ItemReconnected Reports that an item in the Offline Files cache has transitioned from offline to online. |
ItemReconnectEnd Reports that the Offline Files service has completed its attempt to reconnect all offline scopes. |
ItemRenamed Reports that the path for an item in the Offline Files cache has been renamed. |
ItemResult Reports that an item has been processed during the operation. |
LocalDirtyByteCount Retrieves the amount of unsynchronized ("dirty") data for the associated file in the local Offline Files cache. |
NetTransportArrived Reports that the Offline Files feature has detected the arrival of a network transport. |
Next Retrieves the next item in the enumeration and advances the enumerator. (IEnumOfflineFilesItems.Next) |
Next Retrieves the next item in the enumeration and advances the enumerator. (IEnumOfflineFilesSettings.Next) |
NoNetTransports Reports that the Offline Files feature has detected that no network transports are available. |
OfflineFilesEnable Enables or disables the Offline Files feature. |
OfflineFilesQueryStatus Determines whether the Offline Files feature is enabled and, if so, whether it is active. |
OfflineFilesQueryStatusEx Determines whether the Offline Files feature is enabled and, if so, whether it is active and available. This function is identical to the OfflineFilesQueryStatus function, except that it has an additional output parameter. |
OfflineFilesStart Starts the Offline Files service. |
Pin Pins files, directories, and network shared folders. |
Ping This event is delivered to all registered event subscribers on a periodic basis. |
PolicyChangeDetected Reports that the Offline Files service detected a change in one or more of its setting values that are controlled by Group Policy. |
PreferenceChangeDetected Reports that the Offline Files service detected a change in one or more of its setting values that are not controlled by Group Policy. |
PrefetchFileBegin Reports that a file prefetch operation has begun. |
PrefetchFileEnd Reports that a file prefetch operation has ended. |
ProcessAdminPinPolicy Causes Offline Files to process the "administratively assigned offline files" group policy. |
QueryAbort May be called during lengthy operations to determine if the operation should be canceled. |
Refresh Refreshes any data cached in the object by rereading from the Offline Files cache. |
RemoteDirtyByteCount This method is reserved for future use. (IOfflineFilesDirtyInfo.RemoteDirtyByteCount) |
RenameItem Renames an item in the cache. |
RenameItemEx Renames an item in the cache. This method is identical to the IOfflineFilesCache::RenameItem method, except that it will attempt to do the rename operation right away. |
Reset Resets the enumeration to the beginning. (IEnumOfflineFilesItems.Reset) |
Reset Resets the enumeration to the beginning. (IEnumOfflineFilesSettings.Reset) |
ResolveConflict Provides a resolution decision for a sync conflict. |
SetConnectState Sets the connection state for an item. |
SetDiskSpaceLimits Sets disk space usage limits on the Offline Files cache. |
SetPreference Sets a per-computer or per-user preference associated with an Offline Files setting. |
SettingsChangesApplied Reports that the Offline Files service has applied the changes that were detected in Group Policy or preference values. |
Skip Skips over the next specified number of elements in the enumeration. (IEnumOfflineFilesItems.Skip) |
Skip Skips over the next specified number of elements in the enumeration. (IEnumOfflineFilesSettings.Skip) |
SuspendRoot Suspend or release a share root or directory tree. |
SyncBegin Reports that the Offline Files cache has begun a synchronization operation. |
SyncConflictRecAdded Reports that a sync conflict has been detected and recorded in the sync conflict log. |
SyncConflictRecRemoved Reports that a sync conflict no longer exists and that its record has been removed from the sync conflict log. |
SyncConflictRecUpdated Reports that a sync conflict has been detected and that a record of the conflict was already present in the sync conflict log. |
SyncEnd Reports that the Offline Files cache has ended a synchronize operation. |
SyncFileResult Reports the result of synchronizing a particular file. |
Synchronize Synchronizes files and directories in the Offline Files cache with their corresponding copies in the applicable network shared folders. |
SyncItemBegin Reports that a synchronization operation on an item is beginning. |
SyncItemResult Reports that an item has been processed during the synchronization operation. |
TransitionOffline Transitions an item offline if possible. |
TransitionOnline Transitions an item online if possible. |
TransparentCacheItemNotify Reports that an action has been performed on a transparently cached item. |
Unpin Unpins files, directories, and network shared folders from the Offline Files cache. |
IEnumOfflineFilesItems Represents a collection of IOfflineFilesItem interface pointers. |
IEnumOfflineFilesSettings Enumerates setting objects associated with the Offline Files service. |
IOfflineFilesCache Used to manage the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesCache2 Implements the RenameItemEx method. |
IOfflineFilesChangeInfo Represents the information associated with local changes made to an item while working offline. |
IOfflineFilesConnectionInfo Presents query and action capabilities associated with the online-offline transition behavior of Offline Files. |
IOfflineFilesDirectoryItem Represents a directory item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesDirtyInfo Represents information about an unsynchronized ("dirty") file in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesErrorInfo Provides a text description and raw data block associated with an error. |
IOfflineFilesEvents Used to report significant events associated with Offline Files. |
IOfflineFilesEvents2 Used to report additional events associated with Offline Files. |
IOfflineFilesEvents3 Used to report events associated with transparently cached items. |
IOfflineFilesEventsFilter Provides a mechanism for recipients of published events to restrict the number of event instances they receive. |
IOfflineFilesFileItem Represents a file item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesFileSysInfo Represents the standard information associated with a file system item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesGhostInfo Represents the ghosting status of an item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesItem Represents a single item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesItemContainer Used to access item enumeration functionality in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesItemFilter Represents an instance of a filter to be applied to an enumeration. |
IOfflineFilesPinInfo Represents the pinned status of an item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesPinInfo2 Defines a method to determine whether an item in the Offline Files cache is partly pinned. |
IOfflineFilesProgress Used to report progress back to callers of lengthy Offline Files operations. (IOfflineFilesProgress) |
IOfflineFilesServerItem Represents a server item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesSetting Represents a setting that controls the behavior the Offline Files service. |
IOfflineFilesShareInfo Presents share-specific information about cached items. |
IOfflineFilesShareItem Represents a share item in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesSimpleProgress Used to report progress back to callers of lengthy Offline Files operations. (IOfflineFilesSimpleProgress) |
IOfflineFilesSuspend Suspends or releases a share root or directory tree in the Offline Files cache. |
IOfflineFilesSuspendInfo Determines whether an item is suspended or not and, if so, if it is a suspended root or not. |
IOfflineFilesSyncConflictHandler Used by a client calling the IOfflineFilesCache::Synchronize method to prescribe a conflict resolution strategy for sync conflicts as they are detected. |
IOfflineFilesSyncErrorInfo Supplied with the IOfflineFilesSyncProgress::SyncItemResult method to communicate details about the item that experienced a sync error. |
IOfflineFilesSyncErrorItemInfo Provides file attributes, time information, and file size for an item associated with a sync error. |
IOfflineFilesSyncProgress Used to report progress back to the caller during synchronization and synchronization-related operations. |
IOfflineFilesTransparentCacheInfo Represents information associated with transparently cached items. |