IDot11AdHocManager::CreateNetwork method (adhoc.h)

Creates a wireless ad hoc network. Other clients and hosts can connect to this network.


HRESULT CreateNetwork(
  [in]  LPCWSTR                     Name,
  [in]  LPCWSTR                     Password,
  [in]  LONG                        GeographicalId,
  [in]  IDot11AdHocInterface        *pInterface,
  [in]  IDot11AdHocSecuritySettings *pSecurity,
  [in]  GUID                        *pContextGuid,
  [out] IDot11AdHocNetwork          **pIAdHoc


[in] Name

The friendly name of the network. This string should be limited to 32 characters. The SSID should be used as the friendly name. This name is broadcasted in a beacon.

[in] Password

The password used for machine or user authentication on the network.

The length of the password string depends on the security settings passed in the pSecurity parameter. The following table shows the password length associated with various security settings.

Security Settings Password Length
Open-None 0
Open-WEP 5 or 13 characters; 10 or 26 hexadecimal digits
WPA2PSK 8 to 63 characters

For the enumerated values that correspond to the security settings pair above, see DOT11_ADHOC_AUTH_ALGORITHM and DOT11_ADHOC_CIPHER_ALGORITHM

[in] GeographicalId

The geographical location in which the network will be created. For a list of possible values, see Table of Geographical Locations.

If the interface is not 802.11d conformant, this value is ignored. That means if IDot11AdHocInterface::IsDot11d returns FALSE, this value is ignored.

If you are not sure which value to use, set GeographicalId to CTRY_DEFAULT. If you use CTRY_DEFAULT, 802.11d conformance is not enforced.

[in] pInterface

An optional pointer to an IDot11AdHocInterface that specifies the network interface upon which the new network is created. If this parameter is NULL, the first unused interface is used. If all interfaces are in use, the first enumerated interface is used. In that case, the previous network on the interface is disconnected.

[in] pSecurity

A pointer to an IDot11AdHocSecuritySettings interface that specifies the security settings used on the network.

[in] pContextGuid

An optional parameter that specifies the GUID of the application that created the network. An application can use this identifier to limit the networks enumerated by GetIEnumDot11AdHocNetworks to networks created by the application. For this filtering to work correctly, all instances of the application on all machines must use the same GUID.

[out] pIAdHoc

A pointer to an IDot11AdHocNetwork interface that represents the created network.

Return value

Possible return values include, but are not limited to, the following.

Return code Description
The method completed successfully.
The method failed.
One of the parameters is invalid.
A specified interface is not supported.
The method could not allocate the memory required to perform this operation.
A pointer passed as a parameter is not valid.
A network with the specified Name already exists.
The pInterface interface reports that its radio is turned off.
The pInterface interface reports that it is not capable of forming an ad hoc network. This condition can occur because the NIC does not support ad hoc networks, or because the NIC does not support the security settings supplied by pSecurity.
The pSecurity settings are not supported by the pInterface interface.
The Password supplied is invalid. The password supplied may be an invalid length for the security settings supplied by pSecurity.
A wireless network interface card was not found on the machine.
Group policy or administrative settings prohibit the creation of the network.


After a successful CreateNetwork call, the network object returned by pIAdHoc is provisioned but not constructed. A subsequent call to CommitCreatedNetwork initializes the network. Beacons are not sent until the network is committed.

There are no clients or hosts connected to the network after a CreateNetwork call. Applications are notified of both successful and failed connection attempts using the IDot11AdHocManagerNotificationSink interface. For information about registering for notifications on that interface, see IDot11AdHocManager.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header adhoc.h

See also

