IAudioDeviceEndpoint::WriteExclusiveModeParametersToSharedMemory method (audioengineendpoint.h)

The WriteExclusiveModeParametersToSharedMemory method creates and writes the exclusive-mode parameters to shared memory.


HRESULT WriteExclusiveModeParametersToSharedMemory(
  [in]  UINT_PTR hTargetProcess,
  [in]  HNSTIME  hnsPeriod,
  [in]  HNSTIME  hnsBufferDuration,
  [in]  UINT32   u32LatencyCoefficient,
  [out] UINT32   *pu32SharedMemorySize,
  [out] UINT_PTR *phSharedMemory


[in] hTargetProcess

The handle of the process for which the handles will be duplicated.

[in] hnsPeriod

The periodicity, in 100-nanosecond units, of the device. This value must fall within the range of the minimum and maximum periodicity of the device represented by the endpoint.

[in] hnsBufferDuration

The buffer duration, in 100-nanosecond units, requested by the client.

[in] u32LatencyCoefficient

The latency coefficient of the audio endpoint. A client can obtain the actual latency of the endpoint by calling the IAudioEndpoint::GetLatency method.

[out] pu32SharedMemorySize

Receives the size of the memory area shared by the service and the process.

[out] phSharedMemory

Receives a handle to the memory area shared by the service and the process.

Return value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK.


This method is used to provide handles and parameters of the audio service of the endpoint to the client process for use in exclusive mode. This method fails if the endpoint object is fully initialized through the IAudioDeviceEndpoint::SetBuffer method call.

The Remote Desktop Services AudioEndpoint API is for use in Remote Desktop scenarios; it is not for client applications.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header audioengineendpoint.h

See also
