IAzApplication::OpenTask method (azroles.h)

The OpenTask method opens an IAzTask object with the specified name.


  [in]           BSTR    bstrTaskName,
  [in, optional] VARIANT varReserved,
  [out]          IAzTask **ppTask


[in] bstrTaskName

Name of the IAzTask object to open.

[in, optional] varReserved

Reserved for future use.

[out] ppTask

A pointer to a pointer to the opened IAzTask object.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the method returns S_OK.

Any other HRESULT value indicates that the operation failed.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header azroles.h
Library Azroles.lib
DLL Azroles.dll
Redistributable Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack on Windows XP