IBackgroundCopyServerCertificateValidationCallback::ValidateServerCertificate method (bits10_3.h)

A callback method that you implement that will be called so that you can validate the server certificates sent when an HTTPS connection is opened.


HRESULT ValidateServerCertificate(
  IBackgroundCopyJob  *job,
  IBackgroundCopyFile *file,
  DWORD               certLength,
  const BYTE []       certData,
  DWORD               certEncodingType,
  DWORD               certStoreLength,
  const BYTE []       certStoreData



Type: IBackgroundCopyJob*

The job.


Type: IBackgroundCopyFile*

The file being transferred.



The length in bytes of the certificate data.


Type: const BYTE []

An array of bytes containing the certificate data. The number of bytes must match certLength.



The certificate encoding type.



The length in bytes of the certificate store data.


Type: const BYTE []

An array of bytes containing the certificate store data. The number of bytes must match certStoreLength.

Return value

Return S_OK to indicate that the certificate is acceptable. Otherwise, return any HRESULT error code to indicate that the certificate is not acceptable.


Certificate validation is performed in two phases. The first phase is the operating system (OS) phase where the OS performs a standard set of validation checks on the certificate. After that, if the OS phase passes the certificate, your callback will be called to perform additional validation.

Implement this validation method when you want to perform your own checks on the server certificate. Your own checks are in addition to the normal OS certificate validation checks.

If your validation method declines the certificate, the job will transition to BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR with a job error context of BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_CALLBACK and the error HRESULT from your callback. If your callback couldn't be called (for example, because BITS needed to validate a server certificate after your program exited), then the job error code will be BG_E_SERVER_CERT_VALIDATION_INTERFACE_REQUIRED. When your application is next run, it can fix this error by setting the validation callback again and resuming the job.

BITS calls this callback method only if you implement the IBackgroundCopyServerCertificateValidationCallback interface and pass it into IBackgroundCopyJobHttpOptions3::SetServerCertificateValidationInterface.

The validation interface becomes invalid when your application terminates; BITS does not maintain a record of the validation interface. As a result, your application's initialization process should call SetServerCertificateValidationInterface on those existing jobs for which you want to receive certificate validation requests.

If more than one application calls SetServerCertificateValidationInterface to set the notification interface for the job, the last application to call it is the one that will receive notifications. The other applications will not receive notifications.

Here are the general steps to validate a certificate. Be aware that these steps are just an example. The actual validation is under your control. Also, steps 5-7 are largely the same as what the OS does during the OS validation step.

  1. Call CertCreateCertificateContext with certEncodingType, certData, and certLength to retrieve a CERT_CONTEXT.

  2. Declare and initialize a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB structure (defined in wincrypt.h) with the serialized memory blob passed via certStoreLength and certStoreData.

DATA_BLOB storeData{};
storeData.cbData = certStoreLength;
storeData.pbData = const_cast<PBYTE>(certStoreData);
  1. Obtain a handle to the certificate chain by calling CertOpenStore with CERT_STORE_PROV_SERIALIZED, 0, nullptr, flags, and a pointer to the CRYPT_DATA_BLOB from step 2.
  2. Obtain a pointer to a certificate chain context by calling CertGetCertificateChain with nullptr, certContext, nullptr, the handle from step 3, chain parameters, flags, and nullptr.
  3. Create the certificate validation policy.
policyParams.cbSize = sizeof(policyParams);
policyParams.dwFlags =
  1. Call CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy with policy type, chain context, policy parameters, and policy status.
  2. Convert the Win32 error (policyStatus.dwError) to an HRESULT and return that.

A description of the BITS validation caching behaviors follows. BITS maintains a per-job cache of certificates that have passed custom validation. This is to avoid redundant and potentially expensive re-validation over the lifetime of the job. The cache consists of <server endpoint, cert hash> tuples, where endpoint is defined as server name:port. If a job has already allowed a specific certificate from a specific endpoint, then the callback will not be called again.

Of course, the certificate will have to pass through the OS validation logic on every connection attempt (you can customize the OS validation logic with a call to IBackgroundCopyJobHttpOptions::SetSecurityFlags), which addresses time-sensitive corner cases such as when the certificate was valid very recently (in terms of seconds), but it has expired now.

BITS does not cache certificates that are deemed invalid by the app-provided validation callback. It's important that you're aware of all unsuccessful connection attempts, so that you can detect malicious deployments at the app level. For example, a one-off bad certificate is much less concerning than thousands of bad certificates from the same server.

A job's certificate cache is cleared on every call to SetServerCertificateValidationInterface, since it indicates that the app's server certificate validation logic has changed.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1809 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Header bits10_3.h (include Bits.h)
Library Bits.lib
DLL Bits.dll

See also
