IOfflineFilesSyncErrorInfo::InfoEnumerated method (cscobj.h)

Indicates whether information was queried for the local, remote, or original copy of the item during synchronization.


HRESULT InfoEnumerated(
  [out] BOOL *pbLocalEnumerated,
  [out] BOOL *pbRemoteEnumerated,
  [out] BOOL *pbOriginalEnumerated


[out] pbLocalEnumerated

Receives TRUE if information was queried for the local copy of the item during synchronization, or FALSE otherwise.

[out] pbRemoteEnumerated

Receives TRUE if information was queried for the remote copy of the item during synchronization, or FALSE otherwise.

[out] pbOriginalEnumerated

Receives TRUE if information was queried for the original copy of the item during synchronization, or FALSE otherwise.

Return value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header cscobj.h
DLL CscSvc.dll; CscObj.dll

See also
