DML_MAX_UNPOOLING_OPERATOR_DESC structure (directml.h)

Inverts a max-pooling operation (see DML_MAX_POOLING_OPERATOR1_DESC for details) by filling the output tensor OutputTensor with the values in the input tensor InputTensor, as obtained from a max-pooling operation, according to the index values provided in the IndicesTensor. The elements in the output tensor untouched by this process are left with zero values.


  const DML_TENSOR_DESC *InputTensor;
  const DML_TENSOR_DESC *IndicesTensor;
  const DML_TENSOR_DESC *OutputTensor;



Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

An input tensor of Sizes { Batch, Channel, Height, Width }. The tensor values are obtained from the values in the OutputTensor of a max-pooling operation.


Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

A tensor of indices to the output tensor OutputTensor for the values given in the input tensor InputTensor. These index values are zero-based, and treat the output tensor as a contiguous one-dimensional array. Both the InputTensor and IndicesTensor have the same tensor sizes. The tensor values are obtained from the OutputIndicesTensor of a max-pooling operation.


Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

An output tensor of the same number of dimensions as the input tensor.


This operator was introduced in DML_FEATURE_LEVEL_3_0.

Tensor constraints

InputTensor and OutputTensor must have the same DataType.

Tensor support

DML_FEATURE_LEVEL_5_0 and above

Tensor Kind Supported dimension counts Supported data types
InputTensor Input 4 FLOAT32, FLOAT16, INT64, INT32, INT16, INT8, UINT64, UINT32, UINT16, UINT8
IndicesTensor Input 4 UINT64, UINT32
OutputTensor Output 4 FLOAT32, FLOAT16, INT64, INT32, INT16, INT8, UINT64, UINT32, UINT16, UINT8

DML_FEATURE_LEVEL_3_0 and above

Tensor Kind Supported dimension counts Supported data types
InputTensor Input 4 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
IndicesTensor Input 4 UINT32
OutputTensor Output 4 FLOAT32, FLOAT16


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 2004 (10.0; Build 19041)
Minimum supported server Windows Server, version 2004 (10.0; Build 19041)
Header directml.h