Contains the color palette entries for an input stream, when using Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD).


  UINT     Count;
  D3DCOLOR *pEntries;



The number of palette entries. The default state value is 0.


A pointer to an array of D3DCOLOR values. For RGB streams, the palette entries use a D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 (ARGB-32) representation. For YCbCr streams, the palette entries use an AYUV representation. The alpha channel is used for alpha blending; see DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE_ALPHA_DATA.


This stream state is used for input streams that have a palettized color format. Palettized formats with 4 bits per pixel (bpp) use the first 16 entries in the list. Formats with 8 bpp use the first 256 entries.

If a pixel has a palette index greater than the number of entries, the device treats the pixel as being white with opaque alpha. For full-range RGB, this value will be (255, 255, 255, 255); for YCbCr the value will be (255, 235, 128, 128).

The caller allocates the pEntries array. Set the Count member to the number of elements in the array. When retrieving the state data, you can set the pEntries member to NULL to get the number of palette entries. The device will return the count in the Count member.

If the DXVA-HD device does not have the DXVAHD_FEATURE_CAPS_ALPHA_PALETTE capability, every palette entry must have an alpha value of 0xFF (opaque). Otherwise, an error is returned from IDXVAHD_VideoProcessor::SetVideoProcessStreamState.

To get the device capabilities, call IDXVAHD_Device::GetVideoProcessorDeviceCaps and check the FeatureCaps member of the DXVAHD_VPDEVCAPS structure.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Header dxvahd.h

See also



Direct3D Video Structures


Media Foundation Structures