QueryTraceProcessingHandle function (evntrace.h)

Retrieves information about an ETW trace processing session opened by OpenTrace.


  [in]            PROCESSTRACE_HANDLE          ProcessingHandle,
  [in]            ETW_PROCESS_HANDLE_INFO_TYPE InformationClass,
  [in, optional]  PVOID                        InBuffer,
  [in]            ULONG                        InBufferSize,
  [out, optional] PVOID                        OutBuffer,
  [in]            ULONG                        OutBufferSize,
  [out]           PULONG                       ReturnLength


[in] ProcessingHandle

A valid handle created with OpenTrace that the data should be queried from.

[in] InformationClass

An ETW_PROCESS_HANDLE_INFO_TYPE value that specifies what kind of operation will be done on the handle.

[in, optional] InBuffer

Reserved for future use. May be null.

[in] InBufferSize

Size in bytes of the InBuffer.

[out, optional] OutBuffer

Buffer provided by the caller to receive output data.

[in] OutBufferSize

Size in bytes of OutBuffer.

[out] ReturnLength

The size in bytes of the data that the API wrote into OutBuffer. Used for variable length returns.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the return value is one of the system error codes.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1709
Minimum supported server Windows Server, version 1709
Target Platform Windows
Header evntrace.h
Library AdvAPI32.lib
DLL AdvAPI32.dll