IPSEC_DOSP_STATISTICS0 structure (ipsectypes.h)

The IPSEC_DOSP_STATISTICS0 structure is used to store statistics for IPsec DoS Protection.


typedef struct IPSEC_DOSP_STATISTICS0_ {
  UINT64 totalStateEntriesCreated;
  UINT64 currentStateEntries;
  UINT64 totalInboundAllowedIPv6IPsecUnauthPkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundRatelimitDiscardedIPv6IPsecUnauthPkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundPerIPRatelimitDiscardedIPv6IPsecUnauthPkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundOtherDiscardedIPv6IPsecUnauthPkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundAllowedIPv6IPsecAuthPkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundRatelimitDiscardedIPv6IPsecAuthPkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundOtherDiscardedIPv6IPsecAuthPkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundAllowedICMPv6Pkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundRatelimitDiscardedICMPv6Pkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundAllowedIPv6FilterExemptPkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundRatelimitDiscardedIPv6FilterExemptPkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundDiscardedIPv6FilterBlockPkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundAllowedDefBlockExemptPkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundRatelimitDiscardedDefBlockExemptPkts;
  UINT64 totalInboundDiscardedDefBlockPkts;
  UINT64 currentInboundIPv6IPsecUnauthPerIPRateLimitQueues;



The total number of state entries that have been created since the computer was last started.


The current number of state entries in the table.


The total number of inbound IPv6 IPsec unauthenticated packets that have been allowed since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound IPv6 IPsec unauthenticated packets that have been discarded due to rate limiting since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound IPv6 IPsec unauthenticated packets that have been discarded due to per internal IP address rate limiting since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound IPV6 IPsec unauthenticated packets that have been discarded due to all other reasons since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound IPv6 IPsec authenticated packets that have been allowed since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound IPv6 IPsec authenticated packets that have been discarded due to rate limiting since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound IPV6 IPsec authenticated packets that have been discarded due to all other reasons since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound ICMPv6 packets that have been allowed since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound ICMPv6 packets that have been discarded due to rate limiting since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound IPv6 filter exempted packets that have been allowed since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound IPv6 filter exempted packets that have been discarded due to rate limiting since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound IPv6 filter blocked packets that have been discarded since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound default-block exempted packets that have been allowed since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound default-block exempted packets that have been discarded due to rate limiting since the computer was last started.


The total number of inbound default-block packets that have been discarded since the computer was last started.


The current number of per internal IP address rate limit queues for inbound IPv6 unauthenticated IPsec traffic.


IPSEC_DOSP_STATISTICS0 is a specific implementation of IPSEC_DOSP_STATISTICS. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Header ipsectypes.h

See also

Windows Filtering Platform API Structures