IComponent::GetDisplayInfo method (mmc.h)

The IComponent::GetDisplayInfo method retrieves display information for an item in the result pane.


HRESULT GetDisplayInfo(
  [in, out] RESULTDATAITEM *pResultDataItem


[in, out] pResultDataItem

A pointer to a RESULTDATAITEM structure. On input, the mask member specifies the type of data required and the lParam member identifies the item of interest. When called for a virtual list, the nIndex member identifies the desired virtual item and the lParam member is zero.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.


For virtual lists, MMC calls the GetDisplayInfo method only for items that are currently visible in the result pane. This means that GetDisplayInfo does not get called for an item until it appears in the result pane.

It is safe to reallocate the memory allocated for members of pResultDataItem only in the following situations:

  • The item is deleted.
  • IComponent::Destroy is called.
  • GetDisplayInfo is called again for that item.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header mmc.h

See also


