IComponent2::GetResultViewType2 method (mmc.h)

The GetResultViewType2 method retrieves the result view type. This method supersedes the IComponent::GetResultViewType method.


HRESULT GetResultViewType2(
  [in]      MMC_COOKIE             cookie,
  [in, out] PRESULT_VIEW_TYPE_INFO pResultViewType


[in] cookie

A value that specifies the snapin-provided unique identifier for the scope item. For more details about cookies in MMC, see Cookies.

[in, out] pResultViewType

A pointer to the RESULT_VIEW_TYPE_INFO structure for the result view. If your snap-in implements IComponent2, the pstrPersistableViewDescription member of the RESULT_VIEW_TYPE_INFO structure must contain a valid view description string; otherwise, MMC will not initialize your snap-in. The pstrPersistableViewDescription member must be allocated by CoTaskMemAlloc. The snap-in must not free pstrPersistableViewDescription, as it will be freed by MMC.

Return value

If successful, the return value is S_OK. Other return values indicate an error code.


During result view creation, MMC calls the snap-in's IComponent2::GetResultViewType2 method. When the user revisits the result view named by the pstrPersistableViewDescription member of *pResultViewType, MMC will call the snap-in's IComponent2::RestoreResultView method, at which time the snap-in can provide snap-in-specific details (if any) for the restored result view. The user revisits the result view by means of the MMC Back/Forward buttons or the loading of a saved console file. For more information about the use of the IComponent2::GetResultViewType2 and IComponent2::RestoreResultView methods, see Restoring Result Views.

If the snap-in is implementing an OCX (ActiveX control) view, then the snap-in creates the OCX and provides MMC with the OCX IUnknown pointer in the RESULT_VIEW_TYPE_INFO structure (specifically, the structure's pUnkControl member). The snap-in has control over the OCX creation, so the snap-in can address licensing or security issues as required. During the call to GetResultViewType2, the snap-in can also initialize the OCX (the snap-in will not receive a MMCN_INITOCX notification).


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header mmc.h

See also



Restoring Result Views